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19th Century > 19th Century Fancy Cancels
 19th Century Fancy Cancels Minimize
Postmasters in Arkansas, as around the US, enjoyed spicing up their outgoing letters with flights of fancy, often carved in cork and lasting only a few days.  Some were real artists, others only making crude figures, but all are entertaining.  Below are those for which I have gathered scans in the last 45 years.
Updated 2023-03-09

 Fancy Cancels on Arkansas Covers Minimize
 Post OfficeSorted By Post Office In Ascending OrderDateFancy Cancel DesignCommentCover Scan and Source
Ada1884-09-10Star in Circle Ada 9-10-1884 star in circle.jpg
Argenta1882-12-15Negative star in circleOctagonal CDSArgenta AR 1882-12-15 Octagon DS negative star killer eBay20160111.jpg
Arkansas City1883-01--31 CDS Circle with teeth "M.O.B"Arkansas City AR 1883-01-31 MOB eBay 2020927.jpg
Atkins1878-01-01Star in Purple CirclePair of 5 cent Taylor BN's on registered cover to St Louis MOAtkins AR 1878-01-01 Reg No 2 Purple star in circle EDoubleday 20140714.JPG
Atkins1873-04-19Star in Purple Circle Atkins AR 1878-04-19 Purple star in circle.JPG
Augusta1894-09-11Black Maltese Cross Augusta AR 1894-09-11 Small BN 2c w Maltese Cross eBay20131214.JPG
Bentonville1879-03-06Negative "EHE" Bentonville 3-6-1879 EHE negative.jpg
Big Bottom1877-11-06Black Star in Circle Big Bottom AR 1877-11-06 Star in Circle eBay20151219.jpg
Black Rock1887-10-27Black Star Black Rock Star 1887.jpg
Blackville1883-02-16Red Maltese Cross Blackville AR 1883-02-16 Maltese Cross Purple eBay20160111.jpg
Brookland1885-11-09Wheel of Fortune Black Brookland 11-9-1885 Wheel of Fortune cancel DKelleher_Sale628_Lot623.jpg
Buckner1887-01-26Purple Star Buckner AR 1887-01-26 Purple star.jpg
Cabin Creek1881-11-29Purple Wheel of FortuneOn GPCCabin Creek Arkansas 11-29-1881 wheel of fortune cancel ebay 2-27-11.jpg
Cagelsville1880-07-03Red Star in CircleOn PPCCaglesville 7-3-1880 star in circle on GPC ebay 12-5-10.jpg
Camden1886-08-28Hollow letters in the CAMDEN CDS Camden AR 1886-08-28 Hollow letters in Camden eBay20130329.jpg
Caulksville1883-04-18Lacy Doiley design Caulksville 4-18-1883 bold fancy on 3c BN JTMcClusker_Sale298_Lot624.jpg
Clarketon1886-06-07Negative Star in Blue Circle Clarketon 1886-06-07 Neg Star in circle eBay 2012-01-15.jpg
Des Arc1894-06-06Star in Circle Des Arc 6-6-1894 Star in circle eBay 9-30-11.jpg
Des Arc1880-10-17Wheel of Fortune Black Des Arc 10-17-1880 Wheel of Fortune ebay 1-7-11.jpg
DeWitt188x-05-27Black Star in Circle Dewitt AR 188x-05-27 Star in Circle on 3c BN LHarris Stock.jpg
Eureka Springs1890-05-29Purple Wheel of Fortune Eureka Springs Arkansas 5-29-1890 ebay 2-27-11.jpg
Forrest City1880-09-16Black Star in Circle Forrest City AR 1880-09-16 Star in Circle on 10c BN.jpg
Forrest City1882-09-09Wheel of Fortune Black Forrest City AR 1882-09-09 Wheel of Fortune eBay 2012-05-12.jpg
Forrest City1883-02-23Pin Wheel Forrest City AR 1883-02-23 Pinwheel Cancel NutmegSale172 Lot5827.jpg
Gurdon1886-03-11Wheel of Fortune Black Gurdon AR 1886-03-11 Wheel of Fortune.jpg
Helena1883-04-04Shield in CircleOn GPCHelena 4-4-1883 shield in circle ebay 10-31-10.jpg
Hot Springs188x-01-22Negative star in circleCC of Merchandise store in Fulton ArkansasHot Springs AR 188X-01-22 Neg Star in circle eBay20130514.jpg
Hurricane Hill1883-06-05Black StarOn PPCHurricane Hill 6-5-1883 dbl cl cds w star killer.jpg
Jonesborough1884-02-04Black StarDbl circle, ARKANSAS spelled out in CDSJonesborogh Arkansas 2-4-1884.jpg
Lewisburg1875-09-07Large Black "G" Lewisburg 9-7-1875 Fancy G ties 3c BN JMcCusker_Sale308_Lot1369.jpg
Lewisville1881-03-21Black Maltese CrossPostage Due paid with 3 cent PDLewisville AR 1881-03-21 Maltese Cross w J3 eBay20140614.JPG
Lewisville1881-08-30Black Maltese CrossOn GPCLewisville maltes Cross 8-30-1881.jpg
Little Rock188x-04-29Black LeafLittle Rock & Fort Smith Railroad CCLittle Rock Leaf Cancel RR CC ebay 2-26-10.jpg
Lockesburg1884-03-24Black Star in Circle Lockesburg AR 1884-03-24 Star in Circle eBay20151205.jpg
Lockesburg1887-12-19Black Maltese Cross Locksburg AR 1887-12-19 Maltese Cross eBay 2012-05-15.jpg
Luna Landing188x-xx-11Black Star in CirclePair of 2c BNs, Tax Collector of Chico County CCLuna Landing AR 188x-x-11 2x2c BN Star in Circle eBay20160802.jpg
Lutherville1887-01-17Black StarTo Germany "via Bremen"Lutherville Arkansas 1887-01-17 Star to Germany ebay 1-14-11.jpg
Marianna1878-01-09Star in Purple Circle Marianna 1-9-1878 Star in Circle eBay 12-25-11.jpg
Mineral Springs1883-12-24Black Star in CircleOval CDS, Newspaper CCMineral Springs 12-24-1883 star in circle ebay 12-31-10.jpg
Mineral Springs1882-03-29Black Star in CircleThree strikes on pieceMineral Springs AR 1882-03-29 Star cancel Fancy CDS on piece eBay20221129.jpg
Monticello1886-09-30Wheel of Fortune BlackOn GPCMonticello AR 1886-09-30 Wheel of Fortune JForteStock 20141220.jpg
Nodena1894-02-20Red Lacy ring Nodena ARK 1894-02-20 Fancy CDS and killer eBay20201214.jpg
Norristown189xBlack Star Norristown Star in circle 1890s.jpg
Pine Bluff188x-01-04Large Black "M"1 cent BN on 2c Jackson envelopePine Bluff AR 188x-01-04 M cancel on 2c BJ stationary RSiegel Sale1008Lot2035 .jpg
Pine Bluff1874-03-15Large Black "M" Pine Bluff AR 188x-03-15 Bold M cancel eBay20131128.JPG
Pine Bluff1878-11-30Black Fan Pine Bluff AR 1878-11-30 Fan Cancel eBay 2012-04-10.jpg
Pine Bluff1879-08-29Negative "TIME" block lettersAttorney ccPine Bluff TIME Fancy in color RSiegel_Sale927_Lot1461.jpg
Poplar Grover1885-9-28Skull and Cross Bones in circle Poplar Grove 9-28-1885 Skull & Cross Bones in Circle.jpg
Poplar Grover1883-10-22Skull and Cross Bones in circleOn PiecePoplar Grove AR 1883-09-22 Skull & Cross Bones in Circle RSiegel_923_2384.jpg
Poplar Grover1873-09-25Skull and Cross Bones in circleOn GPCPoplar Grove AR 1873-09-25 Skull & Crossbones Schuyler Rumsey_Sale47_Lot1054.jpg
Red Bluff1888-03-08Wheel of Fortune Black Red Bluff Arkansas wheel of fortune cancel ebay 2-27-11.jpg
Sunk Land1881-10-25Star Sunk Land AR 1881-10-25 Fancy CDS and Star cancel on piece 10c, 3c BN eBay20190518.jpg
Van Buren188xPurple Large "L" Van Buren 1880s capital L.jpg
Van Buren1890-01-09Black Initials "J H" Van Buren-JH cancel.jpg
Walnut Ridge1894-02-19Blue Star Walnut Ridge AR 1894-02-19 Fancy Star.JPG
Wilson1881-11-09Purple Star Wilson 11-9-1881 purple star ebay 1-24-11.jpg
Wynne1889-03-16Star in Circle Wynne AR 1887-03-16 star in circle eBay20211224.jpg