Saturday, February 15, 2025
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Indian Nations
Indian Nations 1851-1861
G to W 1851-61
Arkansas History
19th Century
Arkansas Territory Covers
Little Rock Shields
Little Rock Non-Shield Territory Covers
State 1836-1845
1836-March 1845 Little Rock Covers
State 1845-1851
1847 Issue
State 1851-1861
1850's Stampless
1851 Adhesive Uses
1st Embossed Envelope Issue
1857 Adhesive Uses
Star Die Uses
Butterfield Overland Stage
1861 Ind. State & Confed in US System
Union Occupation 1862-1865
Letters in the Military Mail System
Major Postoffices under Union Control
State 1865-1899
1869 Adhesive Issue
Columbian-Trans-Mississippi Usages
Inland Waterways
IW 1820-1851 To & From Arkansas
IW 1851-61 To/From Ark
Confederate Inland Waterways
Inland Waterways 1865-1870 to/from Arkansas
IW covers to & from Arkansas post 1870
19th Century Fancy Cancels
Maps & Census
CSA Arkansas
Post Offices (CSA)
CSA Post Offices "A"
CSA Post Offices "B"
CSA Postoffices "C"
Independent State and CSA state in US PO System
CSA Postmaster Provisionals mailed into Arkansas
CSA Stampless Covers
Arkansas CSA Stampless "A" Post Offices
Arkansas CSA Stampless "B" Post Offices
Arkansas CSA Stampless "C" Post Offices
Arkansas CSA Stampless "D" Post Offices
Arkansas CSA Stampless "E" Post Offices
Arkansas CSA Stampless "F" Post Offices
Arkansas CSA Stampless "G" Post Offices
Arkansas CSA Stampless "H" Post Offices
Arkansas CSA Stampless "J" Post Offices
Arkansas CSA Stamples "L" Post Offices
Arkansas CSA Stampless non-Little Rock POs
Arkansas CSA "Little Rock" PAID & Due 5
Arkansas CSA "Little Rock" Paid 10
Arkansas CSA Little Rock Due 10
Arkansas CSA Little Rock Other Rates
Arkansas CSA Stampless "M" Post Offices
Arkansas CSA Stampless "N" Post Offices
Arkansas CSA Stampless "O" Post Offices
Arkansas CSA Stampless "P" Post Offices
Arkansas CSA Stampless "R" Post Offices
Arkansas CSA Stampless "S" Post Offices
Arkansas CSA Stampless "T" Post Offices
Arkansas CSA Stamples "V" Post Offices
Arkansas CSA Stampless "W" Post Offices
CSA Adhesives
CSA 5 Cent Green Scott #1
CSA 10 cent Blue Scott #2
CSA 2c Green #3, 5c Blue #4 & 10c rose #5
CSA 5c DeLaRue(S #6) & 5c Archer-Daley (S #7)
CSA 2c Rose(#8), TEN(#9),10c Frameline(#10)
CSA 10 Cent A & D Type I(#11) & Type II(#12)
CSA 20 cent Green A&D (Scott #13)
CSA Patriotics to and from Arkansas
Transmississippi Express to and from Arkansas
Auction Records
20th Century
Doane Cancels
RFD Cancels
20th Century Fancy Cancels
Bear Fancy Cancels
Air Mail
First Fllights
Crash Covers
Airport Dedications
Pioneer Flights 1911-1922
First Day Covers & Cachets
Indian Nations
Indian Nations to 1851
Indian Nations 1847 adhesives
Pre 1851 A to E
Pre 1851 Fort Gibson Fort Osage
Pre 1851 Fort Towson & Fort Washita
Pre 1851 Kidron Miller CH Park Hill
Spencer Academy Talhequah Valley Towns Wheelock
Indian Nations 1851-1861
Armstrong Academy Baptist Mission Boggy Depot
Choctaw Agency Crawford Seminary Creek Agency
Doakesville 1851-61
Eagletown 1851-61
Flint & Fort Arbuckle 1851-61
Fort Gibson & Fort Washita 1851-61
G to W 1851-61
1861-65 Confederate System
Indian Nations Post War
2005 Reserve Grand Atlanta GA
2005 Reserve Grand Frame 1
2005 Reserve Grand Frame 2
2005 Reserve Grand Frame 3
2005 Reserve Grand Frame 04
2005 Reserve Grand Frame 5
2005 Reserve Grand Frame 6
2005 Reserve Grand Frame 7
2005 Reserve Grand Frame 8
2005 Reserve Grand Frame 9
2005 Reserve Grand Frame 10
1869 Adhesives on Arkansas Mail
Exhibit Slide Shows
G to W 1851-61 Indian Nations Post Offices
Hover here, then click toolbar to edit content
Grand Saline, Cherokee Nation
Cover Scan & Source
Not Shown
Manuscript 'Grand Saline C N/Jun 18" ms "Paid 3" scratched out, ms 5 (penalty rate due)
Grand Saline 1852-06-18 azimmerman_sale32_lot.jpg
Tahlequah CN
Manuscript 'Grand Saline C N/Jany 6" pen cancelled Scott 11 or 11A on flowery envelope
Grand Saline CN 185x-01-06 rsiegel_sale_747_lot_1051.jpg
Park Hill, Cherokee Nation
Manuscript 'Grand Saline C N/Jany 29" pen cancelled 3c Embossed envelope
Grand Saline CN 185x-01-29 ChristiesRL19901010 Lot193.jpg
Kidron, Cherokee Nation
Cover Scan & Description
Marietta, Ohio
manucript "Kidron Cher N/May 26" ms "5" (due penalty rate)
Kidron CN 1852-05-26 Nutmeg_Sale181_Lot3068.jpg
Marietta, Ohio
manucript "Kidron C N/Nov 1 1854" pen cancelled 3c embossed envelope
Kidron CN 1854-11-01 NutmegSale172 Lot2943.jpg
Not Given
(auction text)"Kidron CN March 3 55 on Scott #U2 entire
Kidron CN 1855-01-03 text only AZimmerman_Sale21_Lot174.jpg
*auction text) manuscript "Kidron CN /March 24" on embossed envelope Scott #U9
Kidron CN 185x-03-24 on U9 to Ohio text only RSiegel399_Lot116.jpg
Not Shown
manucript "Kidron Cher Nat./March 31" pen cancelled Scott #10
kidron CN 185x-03-31_#10_1 rsiegel_sale_546_lot_67_.jpg
Marietta, Ohio
manucript "Kidron C N/Sept 4" pen cancelled Scott #11 or 11A
KIdron CN 185x-09-04 US 11 ChristiesRL19901010.jpg
Luk-fa-tah, Choctaw Nation
Cover Scan & Source
Washington DC to PP Pitchlynn
Manuscript "Luk fa tah /C.N. March 21st" ms 5" (due penalty rate)
Luk-Fa-Tah CN 185x-03-21 rfrajolasale42lot259.jpg
Not Shown but to PP Pitchlynn
Manuscript "Luk fa tah C.N./Feb 10/60" ms "Free, PM signature"
Lukfahtah CN 1860-02-10 ChristiesRL19901010.jpg
Maysville-Previously Beaties Prairie
Cover Scan & Source
Van Buren, Arkansas
Manuscript "Maysville Ark/March 31" pen cancelled Scott 11A on Blue cover
Maysville AR 1856-03-31 RSiegel_Sale996_Lot3147.jpg
Tahlequah, Cherokee Nation
Cover Scan & Source
Not Shown
Red CDS TAHLEQUAH/ /12/ARK ties Scott #11 or 12
Tahlequah AR 1851-12-12 No 10 christies_roblo_grunin#3_lot40.jpg
Jacksonville, Illinois forwarded to Chesterfield, IL
Red CDS TAHLEQUAH/APL/23/ARK red Hdsmp 10 (due) CDS Jacksonville IL ms "5 forward"/15"
Tahlequah AR 1852-04-23 Red CDS + Red 10 to Ill JMilgram Collection 5-23-11.jpg
Not Shown
Black CDS TAHLEQUAH/DEC/9/ARK ties Scott #11 or 11A
Tahlequah AR 1853-12-09 US 11 RSiegel399_Lot132.jpg
Rehobath, Massachusetts, Forwarded to Fall River Mass
Black CDS TAHLEQUAH/ms "June 11/ARK ties 3c Nesbitt envelope, ms Rehobath Mass, Hsp PAID 3 in circle, CDS Fall River Mass w additional 3c #11
Tahlequah 1855-06-11 to Mass on U10 DPhillipsSale95 Lot1065.jpg
1858-9 (prob)
Fillmore City, Utah
1c blue (Scott 24) on unsealed circular to the Governor of Utah
Tahlequah AR 185x 1c Circular rate to Utah George Kramer Coll.jpg
Boston Massachusetts
Black CDS TAHLEQUAH/ms "Jan 5"/ARK ties Scott #26 or 26A
Tahlequah 185x-01-05 No 26 CHARPEX Exhibit 2012.jpg
St Johnsbury, Vermont
Black CDS TAHLEQUAH/ms "Jan 18"/ARK ties Scott #26 or 26A
Tahlequah 185x-01-18 No 25 to Vermont ebay 1-30-11.jpg
St Johnsbury, Vermont
Black CDS TAHLEQUAH/ms "March 3"/ARK ties Scott 3 cent embossed envelope
Tahlequah AR 185x-03-03 Nutmeg_Sale174_Lot2166.jpg
St Johnsbury, Vermont
(auction text) Black CDS TAHLEQUAH/ms"Apr 4"/ARK, ties 3c embossed envelope U10
Tahlequah 185x-04-08 U10 to Vermont RSiegel_Sale_790_Lot_1255.pdf
Not Shown
Black CDS TAHLEQUAH/ms "July 26"/ARK ties Scott #11 or 11A
Tahlequah AR 185x-07-26 No 11 AZimmerman_Sale21_Lot182.jpg
Not Shown
Black CDS TAHLEQUAH/AUG /13/ARK ties Scott 3 cent embossed envelope
Tahlequah 185x-08-13 RSiegel_Sale739_Lot242.jpg
Moravia, New York forwarded to Whiteford Ohio
Black CDS TAHLEQUAH/SEP/23/ARK, hsp PAID ms 3, Red Moravia CDS and hsp 5
Tahlequah 185x-09-23 Paid 3 RSiegel_Sale_906_Lot_1326.pdf
Not Shown
Black CDS TAHLEQUAH/NOV //ARK ties Scott #11 or 11A
Tahlequah 185x-11-x no 11 black cds azimmerman_sale34_lot246.jpg
Fitchburg, Mass
(auction text) Black CDS TAHLEQUAH/DEC/24/ARK, ties Scott #11
Tahlequah 185x-12-24 US 11 Text only RSiegel_Sale_790_Lot_1254.pdf
Wheelock, Choctaw Nation
Cover Scan & Source
Belvedere, Illinois
Pair of #11, or 11A tied by pen cancels, Ms town and date Displayed at APS PH Symposium, 2012
Wheelock, CN 185x-01-08 APS2012.JPG
Lee's Creek, Cherokee Nation
Black Straight Line WHEELOCK CH./ms "April 18" Black Hdsp PAID ms 3
Wheelock CN 185x-04-18 NA PAID 3 JMilgram Collection 5-9-11.jpg
Eagletown, CN
(auction text) Manuscript "Wheelock, CN, Nov 29" ms "Paid 3"
Wheelock CN 185x-11-29 ms Paid 3 to Eagletown text only RSiegel399_Lot137.jpg
Copyright 2007 by Bruce Roberts
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