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Indian Nations > Indian Nations 1851-1861 > G to W 1851-61
 G to W 1851-61 Indian Nations Post Offices Minimize
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 Grand Saline, Cherokee Nation Minimize
 DateSorted By Date In Ascending OrderDestinationDescriptionCover Scan & Source
1852-06-18Not ShownManuscript 'Grand Saline C N/Jun 18" ms "Paid 3" scratched out, ms 5 (penalty rate due)Grand Saline 1852-06-18 azimmerman_sale32_lot.jpg
185x-01-06Tahlequah CNManuscript 'Grand Saline C N/Jany 6" pen cancelled Scott 11 or 11A on flowery envelopeGrand Saline CN 185x-01-06 rsiegel_sale_747_lot_1051.jpg
185x-01-29Park Hill, Cherokee NationManuscript 'Grand Saline C N/Jany 29" pen cancelled 3c Embossed envelopeGrand Saline CN 185x-01-29 ChristiesRL19901010 Lot193.jpg

 Kidron, Cherokee Nation Minimize
 DateSorted By Date In Ascending OrderDestinationDescriptionCover Scan & Description
1852-05-26Marietta, Ohiomanucript "Kidron Cher N/May 26" ms "5" (due penalty rate)Kidron CN 1852-05-26 Nutmeg_Sale181_Lot3068.jpg
1854-11-01Marietta, Ohiomanucript "Kidron C N/Nov 1 1854" pen cancelled 3c embossed envelopeKidron CN 1854-11-01 NutmegSale172 Lot2943.jpg
1855-01-03Not Given(auction text)"Kidron CN March 3 55 on Scott #U2 entireKidron CN 1855-01-03 text only AZimmerman_Sale21_Lot174.jpg
185x-03-24Ohio*auction text) manuscript "Kidron CN /March 24" on embossed envelope Scott #U9Kidron CN 185x-03-24 on U9 to Ohio text only RSiegel399_Lot116.jpg
185x-03-31Not Shownmanucript "Kidron Cher Nat./March 31" pen cancelled Scott #10kidron CN 185x-03-31_#10_1 rsiegel_sale_546_lot_67_.jpg
185x-09-04Marietta, Ohiomanucript "Kidron C N/Sept 4" pen cancelled Scott #11 or 11AKIdron CN 185x-09-04 US 11 ChristiesRL19901010.jpg

 Luk-fa-tah, Choctaw Nation Minimize
 DateSorted By Date In Ascending OrderDestinatonDescriptionCover Scan & Source
185x-03-21Washington DC to PP PitchlynnManuscript "Luk fa tah /C.N. March 21st" ms 5" (due penalty rate)Luk-Fa-Tah CN 185x-03-21 rfrajolasale42lot259.jpg
1860-02-10Not Shown but to PP PitchlynnManuscript "Luk fa tah C.N./Feb 10/60" ms "Free, PM signature"Lukfahtah CN 1860-02-10 ChristiesRL19901010.jpg

 Maysville-Previously Beaties Prairie Minimize
 DateSorted By Date In Ascending OrderDestinationDescriptionCover Scan & Source
1856-03-31Van Buren, ArkansasManuscript "Maysville Ark/March 31" pen cancelled Scott 11A on Blue coverMaysville AR 1856-03-31 RSiegel_Sale996_Lot3147.jpg

 Tahlequah, Cherokee Nation Minimize
 DateSorted By Date In Ascending OrderDestinationDescriptionCover Scan & Source
1851-12-12Not ShownRed CDS TAHLEQUAH/ /12/ARK ties Scott #11 or 12Tahlequah AR 1851-12-12 No 10 christies_roblo_grunin#3_lot40.jpg
1852-04-23Jacksonville, Illinois forwarded to Chesterfield, ILRed CDS TAHLEQUAH/APL/23/ARK red Hdsmp 10 (due) CDS Jacksonville IL ms "5 forward"/15"Tahlequah AR 1852-04-23 Red CDS + Red 10 to Ill JMilgram Collection 5-23-11.jpg
1853-12-09Not ShownBlack CDS TAHLEQUAH/DEC/9/ARK ties Scott #11 or 11ATahlequah AR 1853-12-09 US 11 RSiegel399_Lot132.jpg
1855-06-11Rehobath, Massachusetts, Forwarded to Fall River MassBlack CDS TAHLEQUAH/ms "June 11/ARK ties 3c Nesbitt envelope, ms Rehobath Mass, Hsp PAID 3 in circle, CDS Fall River Mass w additional 3c #11Tahlequah 1855-06-11 to Mass on U10 DPhillipsSale95 Lot1065.jpg
1858-9 (prob)Fillmore City, Utah1c blue (Scott 24) on unsealed circular to the Governor of UtahTahlequah AR 185x 1c Circular rate to Utah George Kramer Coll.jpg
185x-01-05Boston MassachusettsBlack CDS TAHLEQUAH/ms "Jan 5"/ARK ties Scott #26 or 26ATahlequah 185x-01-05 No 26 CHARPEX Exhibit 2012.jpg
185x-01-18St Johnsbury, VermontBlack CDS TAHLEQUAH/ms "Jan 18"/ARK ties Scott #26 or 26ATahlequah 185x-01-18 No 25 to Vermont ebay 1-30-11.jpg
185x-03-03St Johnsbury, VermontBlack CDS TAHLEQUAH/ms "March 3"/ARK ties Scott 3 cent embossed envelopeTahlequah AR 185x-03-03 Nutmeg_Sale174_Lot2166.jpg
185x-04-08St Johnsbury, Vermont(auction text) Black CDS TAHLEQUAH/ms"Apr 4"/ARK, ties 3c embossed envelope U10Tahlequah 185x-04-08 U10 to Vermont RSiegel_Sale_790_Lot_1255.pdf
185x-07-26Not ShownBlack CDS TAHLEQUAH/ms "July 26"/ARK ties Scott #11 or 11ATahlequah AR 185x-07-26 No 11 AZimmerman_Sale21_Lot182.jpg
185x-08-13Not ShownBlack CDS TAHLEQUAH/AUG /13/ARK ties Scott 3 cent embossed envelopeTahlequah 185x-08-13 RSiegel_Sale739_Lot242.jpg
185x-09-23Moravia, New York forwarded to Whiteford Ohio Black CDS TAHLEQUAH/SEP/23/ARK, hsp PAID ms 3, Red Moravia CDS and hsp 5Tahlequah 185x-09-23 Paid 3 RSiegel_Sale_906_Lot_1326.pdf
185X-11-XNot ShownBlack CDS TAHLEQUAH/NOV //ARK ties Scott #11 or 11ATahlequah 185x-11-x no 11 black cds azimmerman_sale34_lot246.jpg
185x-12-24Fitchburg, Mass(auction text) Black CDS TAHLEQUAH/DEC/24/ARK, ties Scott #11Tahlequah 185x-12-24 US 11 Text only RSiegel_Sale_790_Lot_1254.pdf

 Wheelock, Choctaw Nation Minimize
 DateSorted By Date In Ascending OrderDestinationDescriptionCover Scan & Source
185x-01-08Belvedere, IllinoisPair of #11, or 11A tied by pen cancels, Ms town and date Displayed at APS PH Symposium, 2012Wheelock, CN 185x-01-08 APS2012.JPG
185x-04-18Lee's Creek, Cherokee NationBlack Straight Line WHEELOCK CH./ms "April 18" Black Hdsp PAID ms 3Wheelock CN 185x-04-18 NA PAID 3 JMilgram Collection 5-9-11.jpg
185x-11-29Eagletown, CN(auction text) Manuscript "Wheelock, CN, Nov 29" ms "Paid 3"Wheelock CN 185x-11-29 ms Paid 3 to Eagletown text only RSiegel399_Lot137.jpg