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Maps & Census
 Arkansas Maps and Census Minimize

The maps below have been gathered from various sources.  I have indicated the approximate size of each map in a download.  Maps larger than 1 MB will take awhile to load, especially on a lower speed connection.

Once the map is loaded you can click on the map with your mouse to zoom in and out.  If you are on the distant view, the center of the zoom in will be where ever you clicked with your mouse.

Many post office locations can be found using these maps, along with spellings, and post roads.  As with all cartography from this period, the accuracy of location is nothing like we have in this age of GPS.

Updated 1/25/2009

 Arkansas Maps. Click on the map link to load Minimize
 Map TitleSorted By Map Title In Ascending OrderDescription and download sizeMap Link
1839-Arkansas Post RoutesPostal Routes in Arkansas and adjoining territory. Size about 4 MBArk post routes 1839 50 pcent.JPG
1853-Arkansas Fulton & Cairo railroadMap from 1853 showing F&C RR and many proposed RRs not yet builtCairo & Fulton RR 1853 65 pcent.JPG
1854-ArkansasMap of the State of Arkansas in 1854. Size About 5 MBArkansas 1854 map 65 pcent.JPG
1859-Overland Mail MapButterfield Overland mail route Missouri-Arkansas-Texas. Size about 800KBArk1859 w Overland Mail route.JPG
1861-Confederate Postal Routes in Indian NationsPostal Routes Est by the CSA from Texas & Arkansas into the Indian NationsChroniclesofOklahoma XLI-2 p163.jpg
1862-ArkansasArkansas State Map in 1862. Size approx. 2.8 MBArkansas1862.JPG
1867-Arkansas Postal RoutesPostal Routes in Arkansas in 1867. Size approx. 1.8 MBArk postal routes 1867.JPG