Saturday, February 15, 2025
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19th Century
State 1851-1861
Butterfield Overland Stage
Arkansas History
19th Century
Arkansas Territory Covers
Little Rock Shields
Little Rock Non-Shield Territory Covers
State 1836-1845
1836-March 1845 Little Rock Covers
State 1845-1851
1847 Issue
State 1851-1861
1850's Stampless
1851 Adhesive Uses
1st Embossed Envelope Issue
1857 Adhesive Uses
Star Die Uses
Butterfield Overland Stage
1861 Ind. State & Confed in US System
Union Occupation 1862-1865
Letters in the Military Mail System
Major Postoffices under Union Control
State 1865-1899
1869 Adhesive Issue
Columbian-Trans-Mississippi Usages
Inland Waterways
IW 1820-1851 To & From Arkansas
IW 1851-61 To/From Ark
Confederate Inland Waterways
Inland Waterways 1865-1870 to/from Arkansas
IW covers to & from Arkansas post 1870
19th Century Fancy Cancels
Maps & Census
CSA Arkansas
Post Offices (CSA)
CSA Post Offices "A"
CSA Post Offices "B"
CSA Postoffices "C"
Independent State and CSA state in US PO System
CSA Postmaster Provisionals mailed into Arkansas
CSA Stampless Covers
Arkansas CSA Stampless "A" Post Offices
Arkansas CSA Stampless "B" Post Offices
Arkansas CSA Stampless "C" Post Offices
Arkansas CSA Stampless "D" Post Offices
Arkansas CSA Stampless "E" Post Offices
Arkansas CSA Stampless "F" Post Offices
Arkansas CSA Stampless "G" Post Offices
Arkansas CSA Stampless "H" Post Offices
Arkansas CSA Stampless "J" Post Offices
Arkansas CSA Stamples "L" Post Offices
Arkansas CSA Stampless non-Little Rock POs
Arkansas CSA "Little Rock" PAID & Due 5
Arkansas CSA "Little Rock" Paid 10
Arkansas CSA Little Rock Due 10
Arkansas CSA Little Rock Other Rates
Arkansas CSA Stampless "M" Post Offices
Arkansas CSA Stampless "N" Post Offices
Arkansas CSA Stampless "O" Post Offices
Arkansas CSA Stampless "P" Post Offices
Arkansas CSA Stampless "R" Post Offices
Arkansas CSA Stampless "S" Post Offices
Arkansas CSA Stampless "T" Post Offices
Arkansas CSA Stamples "V" Post Offices
Arkansas CSA Stampless "W" Post Offices
CSA Adhesives
CSA 5 Cent Green Scott #1
CSA 10 cent Blue Scott #2
CSA 2c Green #3, 5c Blue #4 & 10c rose #5
CSA 5c DeLaRue(S #6) & 5c Archer-Daley (S #7)
CSA 2c Rose(#8), TEN(#9),10c Frameline(#10)
CSA 10 Cent A & D Type I(#11) & Type II(#12)
CSA 20 cent Green A&D (Scott #13)
CSA Patriotics to and from Arkansas
Transmississippi Express to and from Arkansas
Auction Records
20th Century
Doane Cancels
RFD Cancels
20th Century Fancy Cancels
Bear Fancy Cancels
Air Mail
First Fllights
Crash Covers
Airport Dedications
Pioneer Flights 1911-1922
First Day Covers & Cachets
Indian Nations
Indian Nations to 1851
Indian Nations 1847 adhesives
Pre 1851 A to E
Pre 1851 Fort Gibson Fort Osage
Pre 1851 Fort Towson & Fort Washita
Pre 1851 Kidron Miller CH Park Hill
Spencer Academy Talhequah Valley Towns Wheelock
Indian Nations 1851-1861
Armstrong Academy Baptist Mission Boggy Depot
Choctaw Agency Crawford Seminary Creek Agency
Doakesville 1851-61
Eagletown 1851-61
Flint & Fort Arbuckle 1851-61
Fort Gibson & Fort Washita 1851-61
G to W 1851-61
1861-65 Confederate System
Indian Nations Post War
2005 Reserve Grand Atlanta GA
2005 Reserve Grand Frame 1
2005 Reserve Grand Frame 2
2005 Reserve Grand Frame 3
2005 Reserve Grand Frame 04
2005 Reserve Grand Frame 5
2005 Reserve Grand Frame 6
2005 Reserve Grand Frame 7
2005 Reserve Grand Frame 8
2005 Reserve Grand Frame 9
2005 Reserve Grand Frame 10
1869 Adhesives on Arkansas Mail
Exhibit Slide Shows
The Butterfield Stage and Arkansas
New Cover Added 2013-09-08 Fayetteville 1861
Covers carried by Butterfield to and from Arkansas
Originating Postoffice
Mailing Date
Stamps and Markings
Cover Image and Source
Black CDS ties 1857 3 cent adhesive
Ballston, New York
Batesville 9-24-185x via St Louis to Ballston Spa NY BRoberts Collection.jpg
Clementine Arkansas
Star Die Envelope, manuscript town and date
Livermore, Kentucky
Clementine AR 1861-03-14 butterfield stage Dean Briggs Col.jpg
Fayettevile, Arkansas
1857 3 c (Scott 260 tied by blurry Black CDS plus "via overland St Louis" in manuscript
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
US # 26 tied by Balloon sized Fayetteville CDS
Philadelphia Pa "via overland St Louis" in manuscript
Fayetteville AR 1861-02-27 via overland St Louis to Philadelphia Anonymous Coll.jpg
Fayetteville, Arkansas
3 cent 1857 (Scott 26) tied by Black CDS "Via Overland Mail" in manuscript
Hennipin, Illinois
Fayetteville 12-8-185x via overland mail ms.jpg
Fort Smith
Black CDS ties 3c Nesbitt, manuscript "Overland Mail via St. Louis, Mo."
Boston, Massacutsetts
Fort Smith overland Mail Nutmeg_Sale128_Lot1258.jpg
Fort Smith
Dbl Circle CDS ties US No 26 on yellow cover
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Fort Smith AR 185x-02-21 via overland eBay 20121018.jpg
Fort Smith
Black CDS ties 3c Nesbitt envelope. MS Overland Mail via St Louis
Frankfort, Kentucky
Fort Smith AR 185x-06-18 rsiegel_sale739_lot234.jpeg
Fort Smith, Arkansas
1857 3 cent (Scott 26) tied by Black CDS. "Via St Louis" in Manuscript
Templeton, Massachusetts
Fort Smith via St Louis ms.jpg
Fort Smith, Arkansas
1857 3 cent (Scott 26) Tied by Black CDS, CC of 'Overland Mail to all parts of the Union" stagecoach
Saint Louis, Missouri
RSiegel_Sale939_Lot64 Ft Smith Illustrated cover telegraph St Louis.jpg
Fort Washita, Indian Territory
1857 3 cent (Scott 26) Tied by Black CDS and "Overland Mail via St Louis" manuscript
Washington, DC
Fort Washita overland mail.jpg
Three Creeks, Arkansas
1857 10c green Type 1 (Scott 31) tied by manuscript date. Black CDS away from stamp
Big Bar, California
Copyright 2007 by Bruce Roberts
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