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Indian Nations > Indian Nations to 1851 > Pre 1851 A to E
 Indian Nations before July 1, 1851 PO's A-E Minimize
Listed below are scans of covers mailed from Indian Nations post offices before July 1, 1851 with PO names starting with A through E....

 Armstrong Academy Minimize
 DateSorted By Date In Ascending OrderDestinationDescriptionCover Scan & Description
1851-03-07Not Shown, addressed to Peter PitchlynnManuscript "Armstrong Academy/ Ind Na March 7" "5"(due) rateArmstrong Academy CN 1851-03-07 ChristiesRL19901009 Lot169.jpg

 Beaties Prairie Minimize
 DateSorted By Date In Ascending OrderDestinationDescriptionCover Scan & Source
1842-05-06Not ShownManuscript "Beaties Prairie/ Ark May 6" "25"(due)Beaties Prairie AR 1842-05-06 dkelleher_sale578_lot3224.jpg
1844-07-08Not ShownManuscript "Beaties Prairie/ Ark July 8" beaties prairie AR 1844-07-08 azimmerman_sale34_lot204.jpg
1845-08-29Not ShownManuscript "Beaties Prairie Ark/Aug 29" "10"(due)Beaties Prairie AR 1845-08-29 AZimmerman_Sale52_Lot86.jpg
1846-03-20Washington DCManuscript "Beaties Prairie Ark/March 20" "10"(due)Beaties Prairie AR 1846-03-20 ChristiesRL1990010 Lot171.jpg
1846-04-10Not ShownManuscript "Beaties Prairie Ark/Apr 10" "10"(due)Beaties Prairie AR 1846-04-10 rsiegel_sale399_lot77.jpg
1846-09-01Bethlehem PennsylvaniaManuscript "Beaties Prairie Ark/Sept 1st" "10"(due)Beaties Prairie AR 1846-09-01 JMilgram Collection 5-8-11.jpg
184x-07-21Not ShownManuscript "Beaties Prairie Ark/July 21" "5"(due)beaties prairie AR 1840-0-21azimmerman_sale34_lot203.jpg
1850-05-29Washington DC to Stand WatieManuscript "Beaties Prairie Ark/May 29" "10"(due) text only auction descriptionBeaties Prairie AR 1850-05-29 MBennett_Sale268_Lot1933 No Photo.pdf

 Cantonment Gibson Minimize
 DateSorted By Date In Ascending OrderDestinationDescriptionCover Scan & Source
1827-09-25St Louis, MissouriManuscript "Cant. Gibson Ark Ter,/25 Sept 1827" ms "25" (due) rateCantonment Gibson Ark Ter 1827-09-25 (due) 25 DPhillips_Sale9251982_Lot32.jpg
1828-05-20Not ShownBlack CDS Cant. Gibson A.T. manuscript "on service, Free"Cantonment Gibson A.T. 1828-05-20 Free dkelleher_sale578_lot3045.jpg
1828-11-05Washington DCManuscript Cantonment Gibson/Nov 5 1828 illustrated in Chronicles of Oklahoma Vol 26 page 180Cantonment Gibson 1828-11-05 Chronicles of OK Vol 26 p180 1948.jpg
1828-12-02St Louis, Missourimanuscript "Cant.Gibson, A.T./2 Dec 1828" "25"(due) rateCantonment Gibson A.T. 1828-12-02 to St Louis.jpg
1830-04-04Washington DC to General JessupAuction Text Leterr headed Cant.Gibson, 4 April 1830 postmarked in Whell. Va. May 3Cantonment Gibson 1830-04-04 Text Only RSiegel Sale790-1246.pdf
1832-02-08Washington DCManuscript "Cant. Gibson/8 Feb 1832" manuscript "25"(due)Cantonment Gibson 1832-02-08 RSiegel Sale1088Lot83.jpg
1833-02-21Greenland, New HampshireManuscript "Cant. Gibson /Feb 21st" ms "Paid 25" year from enclosed letterCantonment Gibson 1833-02-21 BRoberts Coll.jpg
1840-08-20Fort Towson Choctaw NationBlack CDS Cantonment Gibson Ar. manuscript 18 3/4 rateCantonment Gibson Ar 1840-08-20 ghendershott_sale6_lot727.jpg
1841-04-29Not ShownBlack CDS Cantonment Gibson Ar manuscript Handstamp FREECantonment Gibson Ar 1841-04-29 RSiegel_Sale236_Lot837.jpg
1841-10-07Boston, MassBlack CDS Cantonment Gibson Ar. manuscript 25 (due) rateCantonment Gibson Ar 1841-10-07 rkaufman_sale70_lot1404.jpg
1841-12-02Bulington VermontBlack CDS Cantonment Gibson Ar manuscript 25 (due) rateCantonment Gibson Ar 1841-12-02 ChristiesRL19901010 Lot174.jpg
1842-03-07Not ShownBlack CDS Cantonment Gibson Ar manuscript Handstamp FREECantonment Gibson Ar 1842-03-17 Free JFox_Sale186_Lot113.jpg
1842-05-12Not ShownBlack CDS Cantonment Gibson Ar Handstamp PAID ms 25Cantonment Gibson Ar 1842-05-12 rkaufman_sale71_lot140.jpg
1842-07-07Washington DCBlack CDS Cantonment Gibson Ar Handstamp FREE ms "On Public Service" to Gen R. JonesCantonment Gibson Ar 1842-07-07 Free SRumseySale 121 Lot 54 20241211.jpg
1842-07-27Washington DC to General JonesBold Black CDS, Blk FREE Manuscript "On Publ Service"Cantonment Gibson Ar 1842-07-27 Free on Service RSiegel875Lot637.jpg
1842-11-10Delhi New YorkText only "Cantonment Gibson Ar Nov 10 CDS matching PAIDCantonment Gibson Ar 1842-11-10 Text Only RSiegel Sale790-1247.pdf
184x-04-27Washington DCBlack CDS Cantonment Gibson Ar manuscript 25 (due) rateCantonment Gibson Ar 184x-04-27 Regency_Sale46_Lot3012.pdf

 Cantonment Towsend Minimize
 DateSorted By Date In Ascending OrderDestinationDescriptionCover Scan & Source
1828-03-18Washington DCManuscript "Cant. Towsend A.T. March 18, 1828" text only , no cover pictureCantonment Towson A.T. 3-18-1828 no photo DKelleher_Sale578_Lot3059.jpg

 Cherokee Minimize
 DateSorted By Date In Ascending OrderDestinationDescriptionCover Scan & Source
1841-02-19Gifford, New HampshireRimless Black CDS "Cherokee/ 1841/ Cherokee Naton" ms Feb 19 inside circleCherokee Cher. Nation 1841-02-19 rimless.jpg
1843-07-15Cherokee, Cherokee Indian NationLetter from Manchester NH to CherokeeManchester NH 1843-07-05 to Cherokee, Cherokee Nation, AR eBay20200327.jpg
1843-09-15Manchester New HampshireRimless Black CDS, manuscript "25" (due)Cherokee Cher. Nation 1843-09-15 Rimless CDS RSiegelSale1171 Lot148.jpg
1844-04-08Thetford VermontRimless Black CDS "Cherokee/ 1844/ Cherokee Naton" ms Apr 8 inside circle ms 25 (due)Cherokee Cher. Nation 1844-04-08 Rimless CDS RSiegelSale1088 Lot85.jpg
184x-09-15Gifford, New HampshireRimless Black CDS "Cherokee/ 18xx/ Cherokee Naton ms Sep 15 inside circle ms 25 (due)Cherokee Chero. Nation 184x-09-15 rkaufman_sale71_lot142.jpg

 Choctaw Agency Minimize
 DateSorted By Date In Ascending OrderDestinationDescriptionCover Scan & Source
1836-05-0Eagle Town, Choctaw AgencyMs town and date, PM Free Frank, to Peter PytchlinChoctaw Agency 1836-05-02.JPG
1840-09-02Fort Towson Indian TerritoryManuscript Town Name Date and 12 1/2 (due) rateChoctaw Agency 1840-09-02 rfrajolasale48lot116.jpg
1842-07-10Baltimore MarylandManuscript Town Name Date and 25 (due) rateChoctaw Agency 1842-07-10 rfrajola_sale26_lot1072.jpg
1843-02-26Not ShownManuscript Town Name (Choctaw Agency West ) date, rate not shownChoctaw Agency West 1843-02-26 azimmerman sale34_lot215.jpg
1844-01-29Van Buren ArkansasManuscript Town Name Date and Paid 6Choctaw Agency 1844-01-29 ghendershott_sale53 lot144.jpg
1844-02-06Washington DCManuscript Town Name Date and FreeChoctaw Agency 1844-02-06 RSeigel_Sale_845_Lot_399.jpg
1844-02-26Choctaw NationMs Town name, date and 12.5 rate. Addressed to P.P. PitchlynnChoctaw Agency 1844-02-26 SRumsey 45 Lot 227.jpg
1845-07-08Spencer Academy CN (from another auction text description)Manuscript Town Name Date and 5 (due) rateChoctaw Agency 1845-07-08 amphibrokers_sale31_lot 121.JPG
1846-01-19Not GivenText Only Ms "Cho Agency Jany 19/46" matching "10" rateChoctaw Agency 1846-01-19 ms Text Only RSiegel Sale790Lot1264.jpg.pdf
1846-10-11New Castle TennesseeManuscript Town Name (Choctaw Agency West of Arkansas) Date and 10 (due) rateChoctaw Agency 1846-10-11 ms SRumseySale55 Lot12.jpg
1847-05-21New Castle TennesseeManuscript Town Name (Choctaw Agency Ark) Date and 10 (due) rateChoctaw Agency Arks 1847-05-21.jpg
1847-07-26Not ShownManuscript Town Name (Choctaw Agency West) Date and 10 (due) rateChoctaw Agency West 1847-07-26 ChristiesRL19901010 Lot175.jpg
1847-08-09West Part(?) MissouriManuscript Town Name (Choctaw Agency Ark) Date and 10 (due) rate on blue coverChoctaw Agency 1847-08-09 RSiegel_Sale_927_Lot_1214.jpg
1849-06-05Doaksville Choctaw NationManuscript Town Name Date and 5 (due) rate Text only no cover pictureChoctaw Agency 1849-06-05 no photo AZimmerman_Sale34_Lot209.jpg
1849-11-05New York New YorkManuscript Town Name Date and 10 (due) rateChoctaw Agency 1849-11-05 SRumseySale51 Lot 1791.jpg
1850-03-25Not ShownManuscript Town Name (Choctaw Agency Ark) Date and 10 (due) rate Choctaw Agency 1850-03-25 azimmerman sale34_lot206.jpg
1850-12-02Not ShownManuscript Town Name Date and 5 (due) rate no cover imageChoctaw Agency 1850-12-02 ms 5 rate AZimmerman_Sale34_Lot210.jpg

 Creek Agency Minimize
 DateSorted By Date In Ascending OrderDestinationDescriptionCover Scan & Source
1845-02-20Georgetown PennsylvaniaManuscript 'Creek Agency/ Arks Feb 20 45 Manuscript "25" (due) rateCreek Agency 1845-02-20 hrharmer_sale2914_lot361.jpg
184x-05-04New York (from another auction text description)Manuscript 'Creek Agency/May 4" Manuscript "10" (due) rateCreek Agency 184x-05-04 rfrajolasale48lot118.jpg
1850-08-20Not ShownManuscript 'Creek Agency /Aug 20 Manuscript "20" (due) rateCreek Agency AR 1850-08-20 ms 20 rate to NYC RSiegel399_Lot89.jpg

 Doaksville and Doaks Stand Minimize
 DateSorted By Date In Ascending OrderDestinationDescriptionCover Scan & Source
1828-03-05Not ShownManuscript Doaks Stand March 5th rate not showndoaks stand 3-5-1828 azimmerman sale34_lot217.jpg
1848-02-14New York (from another auction description)Manuscript Doaksville CN & Date, manuscript 10 (due) rateDoakesville CN 1848-02-14 azimmerman_sale34_lot222.jpg
1848-04-13Washington DCManuscript Doaksville CN & Date, manuscript 20 (due) rate to Col Pitchlynn text onlyDoakesville CN 1848-04-13 + 20 all ms no photo AZimmerman_Sale34_Lot223.jpg
1848-07-03New York City NYManuscript Doaksville CN & Date, manuscript 10 (due) rate text onlyDoakesville CN 1848-07-03 + 10 all ms no photo AZimmerman_Sale34_Lot224.jpg
1848-07-20New York City NYManuscript Doaksville CN & Date, manuscript 10 (due) rateDoakesville CN 1848-07-20 to NYC RSiegel399_Lot90.jpg
1848-09-04New York City NYManuscript Doaksville CN & Date, manuscript 10 (due) rateDoakesville CN 1848-09-04 in ms to New York AZimmerman_Sale21_Lot160.jpg
1849-05-17New York City NYBlack CDS Doaksville Ark ms 10 (due) rateDoakesville Ark 1849-05-17 CDS to NYC RSiegel399_Lot91.jpg
1849-05-29New York City NYBlack CDS Doaksville Ark ms 10 (due) rateDoakesville Ark 1849-05-29 CDS to NY AZimmerman_Sale21_Lot11.jpg
1849-06-04Nottaway VirginiaBlack CDS Doaksville Ark ms 10 (due) rateDoakesville Ark 1849-06-04 Black CDS ms 10 JMilgram Collection 5-23-11.jpg
1849-07-26New York City NYBlack CDS Doaksville Ark ms 10 (due) rate on blue coverDoakesville Ark 1849-07-26 RSiegel_Sale906_Lot1290.jpg
1849-11-01New York, New YorkBlack CDS Doaksville Ark ms 10 (due) rateDoakesville Ark 1849-11-01 George Kramer Coll.jpg
1849-x-xChoctaw Agency ArksBlack CDS Doaksville Ark manuscrpt 5 (due) rate. Text description onlyDoakesville Ark 1849-x-x ms 5 no photo AZimmerman_Sale34_Lot218.jpg
184x-02-18Not ShownBlack CDS Doaksville ArkDoakesville Ark 184x-02-18 rsiegel_sale_551_lot_40.jpg
184x-05-16New Orleans LouisianaBlack CDS Doaksville Ark ms Paid 20 rate. Part of Lean correspondenceDoakesville Ark 184x-05-16 CDS Paid 20 to New Orleans Schuyler Rumsey_Sale31_Lot3956.jpg
184x-12-09Eagle County Choctaw Nation to PP PitchlynnBlack CDS Doaksville Ark handstamp 5 (due) rateDoakesville Ark 184x-12-09 hsp 5 azimmerman sale34_lot220.jpg
1850-05-02Princeton, New JerseyBlack CDS Doaksville Ark ms 10 (due) rateDoakesville Ark 1850-05-02 ChristiesRL19901010 Lot182.jpg

 Eagletown Minimize
 DateSorted By Date In Ascending OrderDestinationDescriptionCover Scan & Source
1838-12-22Not ShownManuscript Eageltown Ark manuscrpit date ms "25" (due) rateEagletown 1838- 12-22 azimmerman_sale35_lot190.jpg
1840-08-11Not ShownManuscript Eageltown Ark manuscrpit date text only descriptioneagletown 1840-08-11 text only ghendershott_sale64_lot91.jpg
1841-07-13White Sulphur, Kentucky to PitchlynnManuscript Eageltown Ark manuscrpit date ms Free PM SignatureEagletown AR 1841-07-13 azimmerman_sale34_lot225.jpg
1841-07-16White Sulphur, Kentucky to PitchlynnManuscript Eageltown Ark manuscrpit date ms Free PM SignatureEagletown AR 1841-07-16 George Kramer Coll.jpg
184x-07-29Abington, PennsylvaniaFolded letter, ms town name and date, "25" (due) rate markIMG_7257.JPG
1850-12-14Choctaw Agency Indian NationsManuscript Eageltown Ark manuscrpit date ms "5" (due) rateeagletown 1850-12-14 amphilbrokers_sale8_lot33.jpg
1851-03-01Parkersburg VirginiaManuscript "Eagletown Ark/March 1st 1851" and ms "10"(due) rateEagletown AR 1851-03-01 Nutmeg_Sale174_Lot2155.jpg