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Indian Nations > Indian Nations 1851-1861 > Flint & Fort Arbuckle 1851-61
 Flint, Cherokee Naton and Fort Arbuckle Chickasaw Nation 1851-1861 Minimize
Flint was one of 9 political subdivisions in the Cherokee Nation.

Fort Arbuckle was created in 1850 to stop raids by Plains Indian tribes on immigrant trains headed west to California and on settlements of Choctaws and Chickasaws in Indian Territory. Captain Randolph B. Marcy was assigned the mission of selecting the site and constructing the fort, which would be named to honor the recently deceased General Matthew Arbuckle. The site was inside the boundary of the Chickasaw Nation and on the bank of the Washita River, 6 miles west and 1 mile north of the present town of Davis, Oklahoma. The overall size of the post was originally 12 miles by 12 miles, allowing enough room for friendly tribes to camp under the protection of the post.

 Flint Minimize
 DateSorted By Date In Ascending OrderDestinationDescriptionCover Scan & Source
1854-08-15Talhequa, C NManuscript "Flint C.N./4th Aug 54" ms "5" (due, penalty rate)Flint CN 1854-08-04 to Tahlequah George Kramer Coll.jpg
1858-03-08Talhequa, C NManuscript "Flint C.N./March 8/58" pen cancelled 3 cent embossed envelopeFlint CN 1858-03-08 ChristiesRL19901010 Lot188.jpg
1858-03-08Not ShownManuscript "Flint C.N./Mrch 8/58" ms "Paid 3"Flint CN 1858-03-08 Paid 3c ms AZimmerman_Sale34_Lot230.jpg
1859-11-01Burlington, VermontManuscript "Flint C.N./Nov 1st 59" pen cancelled Scott #26 or 26AFlint CN 1859-11-01 DKelleher637 Lot671.jpg
185x-10-24Not ShownManuscript "Flint C.N./Oct 24" pen cancelled 3 cent embossed envelopeFlint CN 185x-10-24 on 3c embossed env azimmerman_sale34_lot256.jpg

 Fort Arbuckle Minimize
 DateSorted By Date In Ascending OrderDestinationDescriptionCover Scan & Source
1855-06-08New York, New YorkManuscript "Fort Arbuckle C.N./June 8th 1855" pen cancelled 3 cent Scott 11 or 11AFort Arbuckle CN 1855-06-08 RSiegel Sale1088Lot90.jpg
1856-06-30Louisville, KentuckyManuscript "Frt Arbuckle C.N./June 30th 1856" pen cancelled 3 cent embossed envelopeFort Arbuckle CN 1856-06-30 ChristiesRL19901010 Lot189.jpg
1858-10-23LeCompton, Kansas TerritoryManuscript "Frt Arbuckle C.N./Oct. 23 1858" pen cancelled Scott 26 or 26AFort Arbuckle CN 1858-10-23 SRumseySale45 Lot232.jpg
1859-11-08Philadelphia, PennsylvaniaBlack CDS FORT ARBUCKLE/NOV/8/ARK ties 3 cent embossed envelopeFort Arbuckle AR 1859-11-08 RSiegel Sale1191Lot2075.jpg
185x-08-27Fort Washita, C.N.(auction text) Manuscript "Fort Arbuckle" Gainesville TX CDS Aug 27 ties Scott 26Fort Arbuckle 185x-08-27 Text only RSiegel Sale757Lot522.pdf
185x-10-18Lewisburg, ArkansasBlack CDS FORT ARBUCKLE/OCT/18/ARK Black PAID in oval ties Scott 26 or 26AFort Arbuckle AR 185x-10-18 CWinters Coll.jpg