| Originating PO | Date mailed | PAID/DUE | Rate | Destination | Comment | Cover Picture |
| Antoin | 1839-04-02 | Due | 25 | Mardisvill, Taladega Co, Alabama | ms Town name and date and rate | antoin AR 2april1839 001.jpg |
| Arkadelphia | 1843-01-03 | Due | 10 cents | Little Rock | To Gov. Archibald Yell | arkadelphia 1-3-1843 gmchenry 3-9-1989.jpg |
| Arkadelphia | 1844--01-03 | due | 10 | Little Rock Arkansas to Governor Yell | Manuscript Town and date Manuscript 10 | Arkadelphia AR 1844-01-03 George Kramer Coll.jpg |
| Arkansas Post | 1841-04-06 | Due | 25 cents manuscript | Hallowell Maine | All in manuscript | Arkansas Post 1841-4-6 25 due to Hallowell Maine ebay 9-3-09.jpg |
| Arkansas Post | 1839-01-24 | due | 25 | Hollowell, Kennebec County, Maine | ms Town Name, date, and rate | Arkansas Post AR 1839-01-24 JPalazolo Collection.jpg |
| Arkansas Post | 1838-04-22 | Due | 25 | St. Louis, Missouri | MS Town, date, and rate Ark.History Commission files John Knight MS000136 | Arkansas Post AR 1838-04-22 AHC MS.000136 1822-45.jpg |
| Arkansas Post | 1838-05-02 | Due | 25 | St Louis Missouri | Ms town, date, and rate Ark History Commission John Knight Papers MS000136 | Arkansas Post AR 1838-05-02 AHC MS000136 1822-45.jpg |
| Arkansas Post | 1840-09-08 | Due | 25 | St. Louis, Missouri | Ms town, date, rate Ark. History Commission Files John Knight Papers MS000136 | Arkansas Post AR 1840-09-08.jpg |
| Arkansas Post | 1841-01-12 | Due | 25 | St. Louis, Missouri | Ms town, date, rate Ark. History Commission Files John Knight Papers MS000136 | Arkansas Post AR 1841-01-12 AHC MS.000136 1822-1845.jpg |
| Arkansas Post | 1844-05-06 | Due | 25 | St. Louis, Missouri | "Post of Arkansas" town name, Ark. History Commission Files John Knight Papers MS000136 | Post of Arkansas AR 1844-05-06 AHC MS.000136 1822-1845.jpg |
| Arkansas Post | 1842-08-25 | Paid | 25 | St. Louis, Missouri | Ms town, date, rate Ark. History Commission Files John Knight Papers MS000136 | Arkansas Post AR 1842-08-25 AHC MS000136 1822-1845.jpg |
| Arkansas Post | 1840-08-18 | Due | 50 | St. Louis, Missouri | ms town, date, rate Ark. History Commission files John Knight MS000136 | Arkansas Post AR 1840-08-18 AHC MS000136 FC1840-44.jpg |
| Arkansas Post | 1842-11-17 | Due | 25 | St. Louis, Missouri | Ms town, date, rate Ark. History Commission files John Knight MS000136 | Arkansas Post AR 1842-11-17 AHC MS000136 FC1840-44.jpg |
| Arkansas Post | 1848-12-24 | due | 5 | Little Rock Arkansas | ms town name date and rate Ark Hist Comm MS000419 Refeld Family Suppl | Arkansas Post AR 1848-12-24 AHC MS000419 Refeld Family Suppl Dec 1848.jpg |
| Arkansas Post | 1849-06-27 | Paid | 10 | Lebanon Kentucky | ms town name, date and rate Ark Hist Comm MS000419 Refeld Family Suppl | Arkansas Post AR 1849-06-27 AHC MS000419 Refeld Family Suppl Mar-Dec 1849.jpg |
| Arkansas Post | 1839-04-11 | due | 25 | Madison, Indiana | Manuscript Town and date Manuscript 25 | Arkansas Post AR 1839-04-11 George Kramer Coll.jpg |
| Barfields Point | 1837-01-03 | due | 18.75 | Dillies Bottom, Belmont Co, Ohio | All manuscript. Date from contents | Barfields Point AR 1837-01-03 eBay20130606.jpg |
| Batesville | 1841-03-08 | | FREE | Washington, DC | To Secretary of War | batesville 1841 free.jpg |
| Batesville | 184x-03-28 | Due | 25 | Washington, DC | To a Midshipman in the US Navy | Batesville Black CDS due 25 Nutmeg_BabySale_48_Lot_30022.jpg |
| Batesville | 1851-04-05 | Due | 10 | Lexington, Missouri | Red CDS and Red "10" on SFL | Batesville AR 1851-04-05 Red CDS to Mo eBay 20130208.jpg |
| Batesville | 1840-07-06 | FREE | FREE | Washington, DC | Black CDS ms Free | Batesville AR 1840-07-08 (docket) JPalazolo Collection.jpg |
| Batesville | 1844-01-31 | Due | 10 | Smithfield AR | Black Bold CDS, ms 10 | Batesville AR 1844-01-31 CWinters Collection.jpg |
| Batesville | 1839-12-21 | due | 25 | Washington, DC | Black CDS ms 25 | Batesville AR 1839-12-21 BRoberts Collection.jpg |
| Batesville | 1843-09-02 | | FREE | Little Rock Arkansas | Ark. History Commission Files | Batesville AR 1843-09-02 Red CDS Red FREE AHC MS.000066 1843-1890.jpg |
| Batesville | 1837-06-23 | Due | 75 cents | Kentucky | Auction text Only | |
| Batesville | 1844-07-27 | Due | 75 cents | Richland County Ohio | Blue CDS ms 75 | Batesville AR 1844-07-27 Blue CDS BRoberts Collection.jpg |
| Batesville | 1843-02-18 | Paid | $1 | Richland Co. Ohio | Red CDS BATESVILLE/FEB (18 in ms)/Ark. Red Hdsp PAID | Batesville AR 1843-02-18 to court in Ohio eBay20211205.jpg |
| Batesville | 1848-07-11 | Due | 5 | Little Rock Arkansas | Stamped as from Franklin Roosevelt collection. Red CDS and 5 | Batesville AR 1848-07-11 Red CDS to LR eBay20250220.jpg |
| Benton | 1845-03-01 | | FREE | Philadelphia, PA | PM Free Frank | benton 1845 free rate.jpg |
| Benton | 1842-06-12 | due | 6 | Little Rock Arkansas | Ark History Commission files | Benton AR 1842-06-12 AHC MS00044.jpg |
| Brussels Belgium | 1850-08-03 | Paid | | Arkansas Post | 2nd letter from Belgium in Refeld Papers Ark Hist Comm MS000419 | Europe to Ark Post Sept 1835 Cropped Refield_Family_Supplement_Box1Folder3 jpg.jpg |
| Cabeen | 184x-04-x | Due | 25 + 12.5 forwarding | From Mississippi, forwarded from Cabeen to Monroe LA | Only letter from Cabeen i have seen | Cabeen Arkansas forwarding from Miss to La eBay 6-30-11.jpg |
| Camden | 1844-05-23 | Paid | 37.5 cents | Little Rock, Arkansas | Town and rate in Manuscript | Camden 5-23-1844 ms paid 37.5 APS Richmond 8-13-10.jpg |
| Cane Hill | 1839-04-04 | due | 18.75 | Little Rock Arkansas | ms town name date rate Ark Hist Comm MG.00135 Lorenzo Gibson | Cane Hill AR 1839-04-04 AHC MG.00135 Lorenzo Gibson.jpg |
| Clark CH | 183x-10-13 | Paid | 18.75 cents | Arkansas County | | clark ch 18 3-4 rate to arkansas post 1838.jpg |
| Columbia | 1839-03-08 | Paid | 25 cents | Philadelphia, PA | | columbia cds 1839 25 rate.jpg |
| Columbia | 12-4-1843 | Due | 18.75 ms, | Rodney, Mississippi | CDS in bright red | |
| Columbia | 1838-03-07 | Due | 6 | Hempstead Court House Arkansas | Earliest reported Columbia cover. 6 cent rate is extremely scarce on Arkanas covers | Columbia AR 1838-03-07 6 cent rate.jpeg |
| Columbus | December 5, 1841 | Due | 25 cents | Petersburg, IL | | columbus 1841 ms nutmeg_sale93_lot19.jpg |
| Columbus | 1838-03-07 | due | 6 | Hempstead Co Clerk, Washington Distric AR | All manuscript markings. 6 cent rate is scarce in Arkansas | Columbus AR 1838-03-7 6c rate eBay 20130205.jpg |
| Conway | 1839-10-05 | Paid | 25 cents | Chapel Hill, NC | Cover is in the North Carolina archives | conway 10-5-1839 north carolina archives.jpg |
| Core A Fabre | 1838-03-30 | Due | 25 | Woodsville, ?? | | core-a-fabre3-30-1838 dphillips_salenov87_lot59.jpg |
| Dardanelle | 1837-03-28 | | FREE | Zainesville, OH | Postmaster's Free Frank | dardanelle 3-28-1837 rsiegel_sale490_lot.jpg |
| Dardanelle | 1839-04-05 | | Free | Zanesville, Ohio | Free/J.W. Beasly/P.M. all in ms. as is the town name | Dardanelle_18390405_PamOwenCollection.jpg |
| Dardanelle | 1841-06-12 | FREE | Free signed by PM | Zanesville, Ohio | Free/J.W. Beasly/P.M. all in ms. as is the town name | Dardanelle AR 1841-06-12 Free PM LHarris Stock 20130914.JPG |
| Dardanelle | 1843 | Free | Postmaster Signature | Zanesville, Ohio | Year Date from Auction Description | Dardanelle 1843 Free to Ohio ebay 2-7-10.jpg |
| Dwight | 184x-10-11 | due | 25 cents | Zainesville, OH | | dwight 10-11-184x srumsey_sale19_lot.jpg |
| Elizabeth | 1840-07-30 | due | 25 | New York, NY | All in manuscript | Elizabeth 7-30-1840 ebay 2-7-11.jpg |
| Elizabeth | 1842-01-03 | Due | 25 | Plymouth, Mass | All in Manuscript-Nutmeg Sale 93 Lot 20 12-16-2004 | Elizabeth 1842 ms Nutmeg_Sale93_Lot20.pdf |
| Elizabeth | 1843-08-15 | (Due) | 12.5 cents | Little Rock | All manuscript | eliazbeth 1843 12.5 rate nutmeg_sale162_lot1.jpg |
| Elizabeth | 1839-10-12 | Due | 12.5 cents | Little Rock Arkansas | ms town name, date, rate Ark Hist Comm John Saylors SMC.17.1 | Elizabeth AR 1839-10-12 AHC SMC.17.1 John Saylors.jpg |
| Fayetteville | 1843-09-01 | Due | $1.50 | Adams County, Mass | | fayettevill 1843 1-50 rate.jpg |
| Fayetteville | 1843-04-13 | Due | 25 | New York, New York | Black CDS FAYETTEVILLE/APR/13/Ark, ms "25" | Fayetteville AR 1843-04-13 to NY eBay20231104.jpg |
| Fort Adams, Mississippi then Forwarded from Cabeen, Arkansas | April 8, 1841 | Due | 25 then 12.5 cents added for forwarding total 37.5 cents | Cabeen, Arkansas, then forwarded to Monroe, Louisiana | All Manuscript markings on folded letter | Cabeen Arkansas forwarding from Miss to La eBay 6-30-11.jpg |
| Fort Smith | 1844-03-20 | Paid | 25 cents | Delhi, NY | Brown Ink CDS and PAID Hsp | fort smith brown cds 1844 25 rate.jpg |
| Fort Smith | 1844-03-06 | | Free | | Postmaster Free Frank | fort smith 3-6-1844 dkelleher_sale578_lot3208.jpg |
| Fort Smith | 1837-10-24 | Due | 6 cents | Van Buren | A rare rate on Arkansas covers | Ft Smith to Van Buren 6 cents 1837 CWinters Coll.jpg |
| Fort Smith | 1842-01-24 | | On Public Service | Washington, DC | To Nathanal Towson, Paymaster General of the Army | Fort Smith ms rfrajolasale42lot150.jpg |
| Fort Smith | 1842-02-18 | Due | 25 cents | Hamilton, OH | | Fort Smith AR 1842-02-18.JPG |
| Fort Smith | 1844-04-20 | due | 10 cents | Fort Gibson, Arkansas | Blue Manuscript townmark and rate | Fort Smith AR 1844-04-20 JPalazolo Coll 20130914.JPG |
| Fort Smith | 183x-03-23 | Paid | 25 | Bangor, Maine | Manuscript town name and rate on pink paper cover | Fort Smith AR 184x-03-23 Paid 25 LHarris Stock 20130914.JPG |
| Fort Smith | 1843 | Free | John Rogers, PM Signature | Napoleon Arkansas | Auction Text Only | Fort Smith 1843 Free John Rogers PM no pmk no photo DKelleher_Sale578_Lot3049.jpg |
| Fort Smith | 1841-12-10 | Paid | 25 | Not Given | Auction Text Only. Letter written in German | Fort Smith AR 1841-12-10 paid 25 ASiegel_Sale157_Lot188.jpg |
| Fort Smith | 1843-03-12 | Due | 25 | Fort Stausbury, Indian Nations | Brown CDS, super cover | Fort Smith AR 1843-03-12 Brown CDS DKelleher_Sale20120812.jpg |
| Fort Smith | 183x-01-26 | Free | On Public Service | Washington DC | Manscript town name and date. To General Towson, Army Paymaster | Fort Smith AR 183x-01-26 ms rfrajolasale42lot150.jpg |
| Fort Smith | 183x-03-23 | Paid | 25 | Bangor Maine | Ms Town name, date and rate. | Fort Smith AR 183x-03-23 Paid 25 to Bangor MA eBay20150415.JPG |
| Fort Smith | 1842-02-18 | Due | 25 | Hamilton, Ohio | ms Town Name, Date and rate, brown file fold through rate | Fort Smith AR 1842-02-18 KPitt Stock 20151010.jpg |
| Fulton | 1840-12-11 | Due | 25 cents | Virginia | | Fulton1840 ebay_200046427313_.jpg |
| Greenville | 1841-08-19 | Paid, then Free | 25 struck out, Free, then $1.50 added in Texas | Zaralla, Texas | Wm Bryant New Orleans agent of Texas HSP | Greenville Ark 1841-08-19 ms rkaufman_sale71_lot41.jpg |
| Hadad | 1844-01-21 | Free | Free | Hartford Connecticut | ms town date and free. Ark Hist Comm MS.00044 | Hadad AR 1844-01-21 AHC MS00044.jpg |
| Helena | 1842-03-19 | due | 25 | Paris Kentucky | Blue CDS and ms rate 25. | Helena AR 1842-03-19 Broberts Collection.jpg |
| Helena | 1838-01-08 | due | 25 | Georgetown Kentucky | Red CDS ms 25 | Helena AR 1838-01-08 BRoberts Collection.jpg |
| Helena | 1838-02-01 | due | 25 | Georgetown Kentucky | Red CDS, ms 25 | Helena AR 1838-02-01 BRoberts Collection.jpg |
| Helena | 1842-04-23 | due | 25 | Paris, Kentucky | Blue CDS, ms 25 | Helena AR 1842-04-23 eBay20130720.jpg |
| Helena | 1840-03-10 | Due | 25 | Abingdon, Virginia | Red CDS, ms 25 | Helena AR 1840-03-10 Red CDS to VA eBay20140812.JPG |
| Helena | 1837-12-12 | (due) | 25 | Paris, KY | Red CDS, ms 25 notation "River Mail" bottom left | Helena AR 1837-12-12 Red CDS eBay20200127.jpg |
| Helena | 183x-03-16 | Due | 75 cents | Court of Common Pleas, Washington Co, Ohio | Red CDS HELENA/MAR 16/Ark ms "75" | Helena 183x-03-16 BRoberts Coll.jpg |
| Hempstead C.H Ar.T. | 1837-10-28 | due | 12.5 | Little Rock | On microfilm, no color Territorial CDS, Ark Hist Comm SMC.3.14 Edward Cross | Hempstead CH ArT 1837-10-22 AHC SMC.3.14 Edward Cross.jpg |
| Hempstead C.H. ArT | 1837-10-28 | due | 12.5 | Little Rock Arkansas | Bright Red CDS HEMPSTEAD C.H./OCT/28 ms 12.5 dateline Fulton Red River 1837 was in AHC | Hempstead ArT 1837-10-28 was in AHC on Microfilm George Kramer Coll.jpg |
| Hempstead C.H. ArT | 1837-06-07 | Due | 12.5 cents | Little Rock, Arkansas | To Col. Chester Ashley. Red CDS | Hempstead C.H. ArT 1837-06-07 to Chester Ashley eBay20230209.jpg |
| Hempstead C.H. ArT. | 1838-12-29 | Due | 25 | Petersburg, Illinois | Red Territorial CDS used 3 years after statehood | Hempstead ArT. 1838-12-29 Red Terr CDS statehood use eBay20150919.JPG |
| Hempstead CH ArT | 1838-12-19 | Due | Double rate 37.5 cents | Mulberry Arkansas | Red CDS Statehood use of Territorial Marking | Hempstead C.H. ArT. 1838-12-19 Bob Crossman Coll.jpg |
| Hempstead CH ArT | 1837-12-02 | Free | Free | Pleasorance(?), Louisiana | Red Territorial CDS, Red Handstamp FREE PM Signature | HEMPSTEAD CH Ar.T. 1837-12-02 Red CDS Red FREE to Lousiana DWeisz Stock 20180128.jpg |
| Hempstead CH AT | 1837-09-27 | | FREE | Plaisance, LA | Hempstead CH AT territoitorial CDS used in Statehood | hempstead chat red 1.jpg |
| Hempstead CH AT | 183x-04-05 | Due | 25 | Lawrenceville, VA | Red CDS probably statehood use | Hempstead ArT 183x-04-05 Red statehood use to Virgina.jpg |
| Hempstead CH AT | 1839 | Due | 25 | Illinois | Bold Red CDS. Statehood Use. Auction Text only | Hempstead CH Ar.T CDS 1839 red SuperbMailSale_121889_Lot9.jpg |
| Hempstead CH AT (originated in Boydton, VA) forwarding CDS | April 3, 1837 | Mailed Free by PM in VA, forwarded with no added charge | Free | Petersburg, IL | Nutmeg Sale 93 Lot 32 12-16-2004 | Hempstead CH Red CDS 1838 RSiegel_Sale_906_Lot_1303.jpg |
| Hot Springs | 1838-08-19 | No Postal Markings | | Boston Mass | No postal markings. Heading Hot Springs and date from inside letter | Hot Springs AR 1843-08-19 no pmk FL to Boston ebay 12-6-10.jpg |
| Huntsville | 1843-08-26 | FREE | FREE | Litltle Rock, Arkansas | Ark. History Commission Files | Huntsville AR 1843-08-26 AHC MS.000066 1843-1890.jpg |
| Lafayette CH | June 13, 1838 | Due | 18.75 cents | Little Rock | To Governor Archibald Yell | lafayette ch 1838 18.75 rate .jpg |
| Lawrenceville | 1840-01-28 | FREE | | Woodsfield Ohio | Ms town, date, PM free frank AHC SMC.3.9a Phil Costar Letter | Lawrenceville AR 1840-01-28 AHC SMC.3.9a Phil Costar.jpg |
| Lewisburg | 1839-04-16 | Paid | 18.75 | Evansville Arkansas | ms town name, date, rate Ark Hist Comm SMC.2.1.b Ball Family Papers | Lewisburg AR 1839-04-16 AHC SMC.2.1.b Ball Family Papers.jpg |
| Lewisburg | 1839-02-11 | Due | 18.75 | Vinyard Arkansas | ms town name date and rate Ark Hist Comm SMC.2.1.b Ball Family Papers | Lewisburg AR 1839-02-11 AHC SMC.2.1.b Ball Family Papers.jpg |
| Madison | 1838-09-24 | due | 18.75 | Dononabe Kentucky | ms town, date and rate | Madison AR 1838-09-24 eBay 2012-06-18.jpg |
| Miller Court House | 1837-11-29 | | | | All Manuscript | Miller Court House AR 1837-11-29 ms rkaufmann_sale51_lot131.jpg |
| Miller Court House | 1840-07-09 | Due | 25 | Plainville, Connecticut | ms town name and date and 25 | Miller C House AR 1840-07-09 25 due Dtocher_netprice_21111.jpg |
| Napoleon | 1845-10-01 | (Due) | 10 | Shelbyville, Tennessee | Townmark and rate in ms. | Napoleon Oct 1 1845 to Tennessee.jpg |
| Napoleon | 1843-08-18 | (Due) | 12.5 | Little Rock, Arkansas | Black CDS with manuscript date inside, manuscript 12 1/2 rate | napoleon cds 8-18-1843 rkaufmann_sale54_lot81.jpg |
| Napoleon | 1837-11-04 | Paid | 25, then 50 plus 8 pence due in England | Baden, Germany | Earliest Reported Foreign Mail From Arkansas | Napoleon AR 1837-11-4 to Baden Germany BRoberts Collection.jpg |
| Napoleon | 1841-07-03 | due | 18 3/4 | Jackson, Mississippi | Ms Town Name, Date, and Rate | Napoleon AR 1841-07-03 JPalazolo Collection.jpg |
| Napoleon | 1838-07-29 | Due | 18.75 cents | Van Buren Arkansas | ms town name, date, rate Ark Hist Comm DGW Leavitt SMC 10.4a | Napoleon AR 1838-07-29 AHC SMC 10.4a D.G.W. Leaviltt.jpg |
| Napoleon | 1841-06-19 | due | 25 | Hollowell, Maine | Manuscript Town and date Manuscript 25 | Napoleon AR 1841-06-19 George Kramer Coll.jpg |
| New Gascony | 1843-11-15 | due | 10 | Little Rock Arkansas | Ark History Commission files | New Gascony AR 1843-11-15 AHC MS00044.jpg |
| Old Town | 1841-10-24 | Due | 25 | Paris, Kentucky | Manuscript town name, date and 25 rate | Oldtown AR 1841-10-24 eBay 2012-08-09.jpg |
| Owensville | 1844-03-17 | due | 18 3/4 | Crooked, Carroll County, Arkansas | Ms Town Name, date and rate | Owensville AR 1844-03-17 JPalazolo Collection.jpg |
| Ozark | 1842-08-10 | Paid | 25 | Shepard's Town, Jefferson County, Virginia | Ms town name, date, and rate | Ozark AR 1842-08-10 JPalazolo Collection.jpg |
| Ozark | 1842-03-15 | Paid | 12.5 | Little Rock Arkansas | Manuscript Town and date Manuscript Paid 12.5 | Ozark AR 1842-03-10 George Kramer Coll.jpg |
| Paraclifta | 1838-10-13 | due | 20 | Greenville CH, Mississippi | Ms town name, date, and rate | Paraclifta AR 1838-10-13 JPalazola Collection.jpg |
| Pine Bluff | 1838-09-30 | Due | 25 cents | Russellville, KY | ms town name date and 25 | pine bluff 1838 25 rate.jpg |
| Pine Bluff | 18xx-06-28 | (Due) | 25 | East Winthrope, Maine | Reddish CDS and manuscript rate | pine bluff due 25 6-28-184x.jpg |
| Pine Bluff | 1842-05-09 | Paid marked out | 10 | Little Rock Ar | Ark HIstory Commission files | Pine Bluff AR 1842-05-09 AHC MS00044.jpg |
| Pine Bluff | 1845-01-01 | | FREE | Washington, D.C. | Ark. History Commission Files | Pine Bluff AR 1845-01-01 AHC MS00044.jpg |
| Pine Bluff | 1845-04-19 | due | 10 | Little Rock Arkansas | Ark. History Commission Files | Pine Bluff AR 1845-04-19 AHC MS00044.jpg |
| Pine Bluff | 1839-01-02 | Due | 18.75 | St. Louis, Missouri | Ms town, date, rate Ark. History Commission files John Knight Papers MS000136 | Pine Bluff AR 1839-01-02 AHC MS000136 1822-1845.jpg |
| Pine Bluff | 184x-08-16 | Due | 25 | St. Louis, Missouri | Red CDS, ms 25 Ark. History Commission Files John Knight MS000136 | Pine Bluff AR 184x-08-16 Red CDS AHC MS000136 PC1846.jpg |
| Pine Bluff | 1839-04-25 | Due | 25 | St. Louis, Missouri | Ms town, date, rate Ark. History Commission Files John Knight MS000136 | Pine Bluff AR 1839-04-25 AHC MS000136 FC1833-39.jpg |
| Pine Bluff | 1844-03-15 | Due | 25 | St. Louis, Missouri | Red CDS, ms 25 Ark. History Commission files John Knight MS000136 | PIne Bluff AR 1844-03-15 Red CDS AHC MS000136 FC1840-44.jpg |
| Pine Bluff | 1839-06-13 | Paid | 25 | St. Louis Missouri | Ms town, date, rate Ark. History Commission files John Knight MS000136 | Pine Bluff AR 1839-06-13 AHC MS000136 FP 1850-79.jpg |
| PIne Bluff | 1845-06-04 | PAID | not stated | Choctaw Agency Arkansas | Black CDS black PAID, ms "Charge box 9" | Pine Bluff AR 1845-06-04 Black CDS Black PAID to Choctaw Agency eBay20140603.JPG |
| Pine Bluff | 184x-06-28 | Due | 25 | Maine | Red CDS ms 25 | pine bluff due 25 6-28-184x.jpg |
| Pine Bluff | 1840-02-13 | Due | 10 | Little Rock Arkansas | Black CDS ms 10 Ark Hist Comm MS.00135 Lorenzo Gibson | Pine Bluff AR 1840-02-13 AHC MG.00135 Lorenzo Gibson.jpg |
| Pine Bluff | 1842-08-20 | due | 18.75 | Rock Port Arkansas | CDS color not know Ark Hist Comm MG.00135 Lorenzo Gibson | Pine Bluff AR 1842-08-20 AHC MG.00135 Lorenzo Gibson.jpg |
| Pine Bluff | 1845-02-08 | Due | 18.75 | Rock Port Arkansas | CDS color not known Ark Hist Comm MG.00135 Lorenzo Gibson | Pine Bluff AR 1845-02-08 AHC MG.00135 Lorenzo Gibson.jpg |
| Pine Bluff | 1844-11-09 | PAID | 25 | Philadelphia, Pennsylvania | Black CDS PINE BLUFF/NOV/9/Ark. Hdsp PAID ms 25 | Pine Bluff AR 1844-11-09 Paid 25 eBay20200316.jpg |
| Plum Bayou | 1844-01-07 | Due | 6 cents | Little Rock | To Gov Archibald Yell. 6 cent rate is rare in Arkansas, dist <30 miles | plum bayou 6-rate 1843.jpg |
| Raymond | 1843-12-02 | Free | | Rock Port Arkansas | ms town name date rate Ark Hist Comm MG.00135 Lorenzo Gibson | Raymond AR 1843-12-02 AHC MG.00135 Lorenzo Gibson.jpg |
| Richland | 1840-03-07 | due | 25 | Tuscumbia, Alabama | ms town name, date, and rate | Richland AR 1840-03-07 JPalazolo Collection.jpg |
| Rock Port | 1839-03-29 | Free | Postmaster Frank | Little Rock Arkansas | ms town name date rate Ark Hist Comm MG.00135 Lorenzo Gibson | Rock Port AR 1839-03-29 AHC MG.00135 Lorenzo Gibson.jpg |
| Rock Port | 1839-08-20 | Free | Postmaster Frank | Little Rock | ms town name date rate Ark Hist Comm MG.00135 Lorenzo Gibson | Rock Port AR 1839-08-20 AHC MG.00135 Lorenzo Gibson.jpg |
| Rock Port | 1839-10-29 | Free | Postmaster Frank | Little Rock | ms town name date rate Ark Hist Comm MG.00135 Lorenzo Gibson | Rock Port AR 1839-10-29 AHC MG.00135 Lorenzo Gibson.jpg |
| Rock Port | 1840-01-14 | Free | Postmaster Frank | Little Rock | ms town name date rate Ark Hist Comm MG.00135 Lorenzo Gibson | Rock Port AR 1840-01-14 AHC MG.00135 Lorenzo Gibson.jpg |
| Rock Port | 1840-07-19 | Free | Postmaster Frank | Little Rock Arkansas | ms town name date rate Ark Hist Comm MG.00135 Lorenzo Gibson | Rock Port AR 1840-07-19 AHC MG.00135 Lorenzo Gibson.jpg |
| Saint Francis | 1840-12-07 | Paid | 10 | Memphis, Tennessee | Ms town name, date and rate. 10 cent rate is scarce from Arkansas | St Fancis 12-7-1840 Paid 10 eBay 5-1-11.jpg |
| Saint Francis | 1843-10-11 | Due | 25 | Green Bay, Wisconsin | Ms Town Name, Date, Rate | Saint Francis AR 1843-10-11 to Wisc eBay20210424.jpg |
| Saint Marys | 1841-03-10 | Paid | 50 (2x 25c inland to port) | Lyon France | Town name and date on reverse of envelope. In French. Hand carried to Louisville Ky mailed Mar 24 then via NY and Le Harve | St Marys AR 1841-03-10 to France via Louisville KY BRoberts Coll.jpg |
| Scotia | 1838-06-22 | Due | 25 | Middletown Connecticut | Ms town name, date, and rate | Scotia AR 1838-06-22 DPhillipsSale99 Lot187.jpg |
| Spring Hill | 1837-01-03 | Due | 25 cents | Pittsburg, IL | | spring hill 1837 25 rate.jpg |
| Spring Hill | 1841-11-09 | Due | 25 cents | Washington, DC | | 1841-11-09 Spring Hill 25 due to Washington DC.jpg |
| Spring Hill | 1844-07-30 | | FREE/A Russ PM WCH | Helena | Russ was PM in Washington, about 15 miles from Springhill | Spring Hill AR-1844 JPalazolo Collection.jpg |
| Spring HIll | 1844-07-19 | Due | 25 | Lawrenceville, Virginia | ms Townname, date, and rate | Spring Hill 1844-07-19 eBay 2012-02-19.jpg |
| Spring HIll | 1836-07-19 | Due | 25 | Pulasburg, Illinois | ms Townname, date, and rate | spring hill 1836-07-19 jack molesworthy net price 1.jpg |
| Spring HIll | 1839 | Due | 25 | Not Stated | Auction Text "Commercial Letter" | |
| Spring Hill | 1836-08-16 | due | 25 | Petersburg, Illinois | ms town name date rate | Spring Hill AR 1836-08-15 eBay20141119.JPG |
| Spring Hill | 1844-01-01 | FREE | FREE | Red Plains, North Carolina | ms town name, date, and free | Spring HIll AR 1844-01-01 KPitt Stock 20151010.jpg |
| Spring Hill | 1838-03-01 | Due | Mailed from Boydton Virginia Free, then 25 due forwarding rate | Originally Washington Arkansas, but forwarded to Petersburg Illinois | Mailed by PM in Boydton to Washington, forwarded to Illinois with 25 cents due | spring hill 1838 25 forwarding on free.jpg |
| Springhill | 1837-01-03 | FREE | FREE | Mecklenburg, Virginia | Ms Town name and Free | Springhill AR 1837-01-03.JPG |
| Sumpter | September 14, 1839 | Free | Free | Maron, Mississippi | Manuscript townmark and "Free, PM" markings | Sumpter 9-14-1839 PM Free DTocher_NetPrice_2112011.jpg |
| Union Court House | 1844-07-25 | Due | 37.5 cents | Little Rock | Double Weight, all in ms | union ch 1844 37.5 rate.jpg |
| Union Court House | 1840-07-09 | Due | 25 | Plainville, Connecticut | ms town name date and rate | Union Court House 1840 to Conn.jpg |
| Van Buren | 1844-03-04 | (due) | 10 | Fort Gibson Arkansas | Manuscript Town, Date, rate. to Gov P.M. Butler | Van Buren AR 1844-03-04 to FT Gibson Ark eBay20200612.jpg |
| Van Buren | 1838-12-01 | Due | 25 | Lynchburg, Virginia | Ms Town name, rate and date on folded letter to Capt Richard Perkins | Van Buren AR 1838-12-01 to VA eBAy20220124.jpg |
| Warren | 18xx-05-11 | Due | 25 | Not Given | Auction Text Only | Warren 5-11-18xx 25 ms ASiegel_Sale157_Lot189.jpg |
| Washington | 1840-09-28 | Due | 6 cents | Columbus | 6 cent rate is rare from Arkansas, <30 miles between POs | washington 6-rate 1840.jpg |
| Washington | 1844-01-23 | PAID | 10 cents | Arkadelphia | Cover turned and sent back to Washington due 10 | washington 1844 10 cent turned cover.jpg |
| Washington | 1844-03-12 | Due | 25 cents | Saline County, MO | Red CDS, ms Black "25" | washington 1844 red cds 25 rate.jpg |
| Washington | 1840-12-25 | Due | 10 | Not shown | Black CDS and Black 10 Hsp | Washington AR 1840-12-25 10 HSP Kover King 143 Lot 126.jpg |
| Washington | 1845-01-28 | Due | 40 | Clark County, Arkansas | 4x 10 cents rate for 30-60 miles, court document, Red CDS ms rate, date from contents | Washington 4 x 10 rate 1845 CWinters Coll.jpg |
| Washington | 1843-09-12 | | FREE | Little Rock Arkansas | Ark History Commission files | Washington AR 1843-09-12 AHC MS00044.jpg |
| Washington | 1844-11-02 | due | 12.5 | Little Rock Arkansas | Ark History Commission files | Washington AR 1844-11-02 AHC MS00044.jpg |
| Washington | 1844-12-14 | | FREE | Washington, D.C. | Ark. History Commission Files | Washington AR 1844-12-14 AHC MS00044.jpg |
| Washington | 1845-07-22 | | Free | Little Rock, Arkansas | Ark. History Commission Files | Washington AR 1845-07-22 AHC MS00044.jpg |
| Washington | 1839-07-31 | Not stated | Not stated | New Oreans Lousiana | Auction Text Only | |
| Washington | 1844-03-11 | PAID | 50 | Havana Cuba | Manuscript town name, Red PAID ms 50. ENA in circle handstamp in black | |
| Washington forwarding letter from Schuzlas Lake New Jersey | 1845-03-29 | Due | 25 + 25 more for forwarding | Forwarded to Lebanon Kentucky | Black Washington CDS ms rates | Washington 3-29-1845 Frwd 25+25 HSpellman_Sale53_Lot45.jpg |
| Zebulon | 1845-01-24 | Due | 25 | Kentucky | Ark Hist Comm MS.000324 White-Wilson-Miller papers | Zebulon AR 1845-01-24 AHC MS.000324 Wilson-White-Miller.jpg |