Award Winning Arkansas Postal History Exhibits in Slide Show form.
The following exhibits can be viewed as slide shows: You do not need Power Point on your computer to view. When asked, clidk on the OPEN this file button. Allow several seconds for the shows to load, longer if you do not have a broadband connection.
Click with your mouse on the images to move the slide shows to the next page. You can not go back, since there is no input from the keyboard. The slide show will start again when the last page is reached. Close the window to return to this page.
The scanned images have been compressed to make the slide show relatively small for fast loading, so the images are not as good as viewing the real pages so please make allowances for that. You can expand the show to full screen to see the images better.
My current exhibits have additional covers and redone pages, so their previous exhibits are historical only.
2005 Reserve Grand, SouthEast Stamp Show, Atlanta, GA
1869 Single Frame Exhibit
Updated 10/21/2011