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CSA Arkansas > CSA Stampless Covers > Arkansas CSA Stampless "P" Post Offices
 Arkansas CSA Stampless "P" Post Offices Minimize
 Post OfficeSorted By Post Office In Ascending OrderDate MailedMarkingsDestinationCover LInk
ParacliftaFebruary 26, 1863Paid 10 cts ManuscriptWashington, ArkansasParaclifta 186x-02-26 RSiegel_Sale_927_Lot_1563.jpg
ParacliftaMarch 18, 1863Paid 10 cts ManuscriptLeaks Store, ArkansasTrish Kaufmann Net 1-16-08.jpg
ParkersburgNovember 6, 1861Paid 5 ManuscriptClarksville, ArkansasRFrajola_Sale51_Lot640 Parkersburg 11-6-61 Paid 5 ms.jpg
Parks1863-04-6Black CDS of Rodney MS due 10Parks Arkansas. No outgoing mail from Parks has been reported.Scan is an article written by David SavadgeRodney MS 1863-04-06 to Parks AR due 10 David Savadge Coll 2019.pdf
PerryvilleAugust 12, 1861Paid 20 cts Manuscriptto Alexander Stephens, VP of the CSArkaufman_sale41_lot474 perryville paid 20 cts manuscript.jpg
Pine BluffJuly 10, 1861PAID 5 HspLouisianarkaufman_sale71_lot107.jpg
Pine BluffJuly 19, 1861PAID 5 Hsp, Corner card of the True Southern Journal jkaufmann_sale137_lot55 Pine Bluff PAID 5 Southern Journal 7-19-61.jpg
Pine BluffDecember 23, 1861PAID 10 HspLivingston, AlabamaRSeigel_Sale904_Lot2555 Pine Bluff 12-23-61.jpg
Pine BluffMay 12, 18625 DUE HspWhite Sulphur Springs, ArkansasRSiegel_Sale907_Lot2554 Pine Bluff Due 5 5-12-62.jpg
Pine BluffJune 17, 186xPAID 10 HspSmyrna, TennesseeRSiegel_Sale_940_Lot235 Pine Bluff Paid 10.jpg
Pine BluffJune 20, 18625 DUE HspHillsboro, ArkansasPine Bluff 1862-06-20 Due 5 TrishKaufmanStock 20230614.jpg
Pine BluffJune 28, 1862DUE 5 Hsp on Patriotic coverDes Arc, Arkansasrfrajola_salex_lot697 pine bluff patriotic 5 due 6-28-62.jpg
Pine BluffJuly 17, 1862PAID 10 HspTownsville, North CarolinaRSiegel_Sale904_Lot2556 Pine Bluff PAID 10 7-17-62.jpg
Pine BluffJuly 29, 186210 DUE HspEagletown, Choctaw NationPine Bluff AR 1862-07-29 to Eagletown Choctaw Nation RSiegel Sale 1225 Lot 45.pdf
Pine BluffAugust 19, 186210 DUE HspAustin City, Texasjkaufman_sale38_lot695 pine bluff 10 due 8-19-62.jpg
Pine BluffDecember 9, 186xDUE 10 HspWhite Sulphur Springs, Arkansasrkaufmann_sale39_lot627 pine bluff due 10 12-9-6x.jpg
Pine BluffJanuary 15, 186310 DUE HspBurkeville, TexasRSiegel_Sale_927_Lot_1562.jpg
Pine BluffFebruary X, 1863PAID Hsp 80 c Manuscript Highest Rated CSA Arkansas cover reportedMarshall, Texasbroberts collection pine bluff paid 80 Feb 1863.jpg
Pine BluffApril 21, 186310 DUE HspSweeten, Texasrkaufmann_sale39_lot696 pine bluff due 10 4-21-63.jpg
Pine BluffJanuary 8, 186310 DUE Hsp turned cover from Richmond, TXPlano, Texasjkaufmann_sale38_lot665 Jan 8 1863 Turned PAID 10.jpg
Pine BluffOctober 1, 186210 DUE HandstampCave Springs, Georgiaamphilbrokers_sale9_lot354 pine bluff 10 due 10-1-1862.jpg
Pine BluffAugust 21, 1861PAID 10 HandstampFort Mills, South CarolinaPine Bluff 1861-08-21 PAID 10 SRumseySale55 Lot2114.jpg
Pine Bluff9/7/1861DUE 5 Handstamp first seen GHendershott Sale 22 Lot 77Cypress Creek, ArkansasPine Bluff 1861-09-07 due 5 to Cypress Creek AR RSiegel Sale 1182 Lot 198 20180522.jpg
Pine Bluff1861-09-07Black Dbl Circle Town Mark, Sep 17 in ms in center, Due 5 msWhite Bluffs, Jefferson Co, ArkansasPine Bluff 1861-09-07 due 5 to Cypress Creek AR RSiegel Sale 1182 Lot 198 20180522.jpg
Pine Bluff1862-03-31Black Dbl Circle CDS Black DUE 5 hspWhite Sulphur Springs ArkansasPIne Bluff 1862-03-31 DUE 5 Hsp RSiegelSale1063 Lot2167.jpg
Pleasent Hill1862-03-xManuscript Town and Due 5Arkadelphia ArkansasPleasent Hill AR 1862-03-x PKaufmann Stock 2024-03-15.jpeg
PocahontasAug, 1861PAID 5(circle) HspOsceolaPocahontas AR 1861-08-x Paid 5 CWinters Collection.jpg
PocahontasNovember 6, 186xPAID 10(Circle) two strikes jkaufmann_sale137_lot56 Pocahontas PAID 10.jpg
Post Oak1862-11-08Ms town name and date, Pair of CSA#7 pen cancelledAlbany GeorgiaPost Oak AR 1862-11-08 PKaufmann Stock 20240315.jpg
PrincetonJanuary 30, 1863PAID 10 Hsp Bright GreenNew Orleans, LouisianaRSiegel_Sale_927_Lot_1565 Princeton Jan 30 1862.jpg
PrincetonMarch 8, 1862PAID 10 Hsp Bright GreenNew Orleans, Louisianaamhistoricalauctionssale4lot150 March 8 1862.jpg
PrincetonMarch 25, 1862PAID 10 Hsp Bright GreenNew Orleans, LouisianaRSiegel_Sale_927_Lot_1564 Princeton March 25 1862.jpg
PrincetonMarch 27, 1862PAID 10 Hsp Bright GreenNew OrleansRSiegel_Sale_940_Lot_237 Princeton legal size green Paid 10 Mar 27 1862.jpg
PrincetonMarch 29, 1862PAID 10 Hsp GreenNew Orleans, Louisiananutmeg_sale17_lot1474 princeton paid 10 green 3-29-62.jpg
PrincetonAugust 1, 186xDue 10 ManuscriptArkadelphia, ArkansasRSiegel_Sale_927_Lot_1566 Princeton Aug 1 due 10 ms.jpg
PrincetonSeptember 14, 1861Dark(prob brown) CDS and PAID 10Gary's Store, Buckingham Co., VirginiaPrinceton AR 1861-09-14 eBay20130502 2nd scan.jpg
Princeton Manuscript TownmarkJuly 25, 186xPAID 10 Hsp BrownNew Orleans Louisianajkaufmann_sale137_lot57 Princeton July 25.jpg