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19th Century > Arkansas Territory Covers
 Postal History of Arkansas Territory 1819-1836 Minimize

This page describes the Postal Operations in Arkansas during the Territorial period with links to selected covers that ilustrate the story.   Use the menu 19th Century-Arkansas Territory Covers-Little Rock Shield to view all  reported postal usages of the Little Rock Shield Townmark.  Use the Menu-19th Century-Arkansas Territory Covers-Little Rock Territorial Covers-non-Shield to see covers from Little Rock outside the Shield usage period. 

Pre-Territorial Covers
covers have been recorded mailed to or from what is now Arkansas  before  the Arkansas Territory was established in 1819. Click the links below to see these covers.

1) 1806-Letter written at "Arkansa" and hand carried (there was no postal service).

2) 1807-03-12 Letter from "White River" in Western Arkansas to "The United States Indian Factor, Arkansas" Privately carried to Arkansas Post and docketed as received March 24th.

2) *Washington, DC March 29, 1809
 to "Arkansas" (Arkansas Post) Louisiana Territory.

Single Letter Postage Rates 1816 – 1845
Not 30  miles ………………………………….......6.0 cents
30 – 80 miles ……………………………..........10.0 cents
80 – 150 miles     …………………………….....12.5 cents
150 – 400 miles …….         (1816 – 1825)..18.5 cents
          ........                      (1825 – 1845) .18.75 cents
Over 400 miles   ……………………….……… ..25.0 cents

 Arkansas Territorial Post Offices Minimize

The following information is extracted from the article "The Post Office in Early Arkansas" by Nathan B Williams,in The Arkansas Historical Association, Vol 3, 1911, pp 310-324.  Williams derived all the information from original PO sources.

 Post Offices in Arkansas Territory in 1828 Minimize
 Post Office NameSorted By Post Office Name In Ascending OrderCountyPostmaster(s)Comment
Alum ForkSalineValentine Brazile, 7/14/1836 
ArkansasArkansasEli J. Lewis, 7/15/1828 "new bond"; Hewes Scull 6/2/1830Changed to Arkansas Post 12/27/1831
Arkansas "Mo. T"ArkansasEli J. Lewis, 7/1/1817 
BartholomewChicotJohn O Dabney, 11/29/1832; Edward Wiley, 12/19/1833"Discontinued 3/27/1829" but apparently reinstated
BatesvilleIndependenceHartwell Boswell, 5/22/1824; Daniel Anthony, 11/7/1828; Charles H. Pelham, 1/19/1833; Wm L McGuire, 3/29/1836 
Bay of St. FrancisSt. FrancisGeorge W Stokes, 6/26/1832Name changed to Fairview
Bayou de RocheHot SpringJedediah Millard, 8/10/1832 
Bayou MetrePulaskiMoses H. Blue, 9/17/1835 
Benton C.H.SalineGreen B Hughes, 5/2/1836 
Big CreekPhillipsJames Hawks, 11/8/1830 
Black's UnionJonathan Black, 3/1/1832 
BlythesCarrollJohn Blythe, 12/31/1836 
Buford's LandingCrittendenElijah Buford, 4/1/1836; Bird B Smith, 9/30/1836 
Burton's MillsCrawfordJohn Logan, 6/14/1834 
Cadron HillsConwayAbner Pitts, 5/25/1829; Benjamin Hogan, 12/2/1829; Joseph Borden, 3/3/1831; Rodney Earheart, 5/22/1832 
CaldwaltonPulaskiCharles Caldwell, 11/11/1833; Thomas R Rutland, 11/8/1832Name changed from New Kentucky
CanadianCrittendenGeorge C Barfiield, 11/29/1832"Discontinued 4/18/1831; Restored 2/2/1833"
Cantonment GibsonCrawfordJohn Nicks, 2/21/1827; R.S. Gibson, 7/12/1832; E.W.B. Noland, 11/8/1832 
CarrolltonCarrollHenderson Lafferty, 1/15/1834; Hiram Davis, 12/31/1835 
Choctaw AgencyChoctaw NationF.W. Armstrong, 6/26/1833 
CladdoClarkJacob Barkman, 11/25/1828"Discontinued 4/18/1831"
Clark C.H.ClarkJacob Barkman, 2/23/1820; Samuel M. Rutherford, 7/11/1822; Willis Dilliard, 6/29/1825; Jacob Barkman, 2/4/1826; Daniel Ringo, 3/27/1828; Moses Collins, 5/27/1830; Archibald Rutherford, 3/15/1834 
Clark's Salt WorksSevierJames Clark, 12/6/1828"Discontinued 5/26/1830
CollegevillePulaskiEzra W Owen, 2/17/1835;  
CollegevilleSallineEzra M Owens, 2/17/1835 
ColumnbiaLawrenceWm Jarrett, 10/31/1829 
ConwayHempsteadJames S Conway, 5/24/1828 
ConwayLafayetteJames S Conway, 5/24/1828; Thomas Quigg, 11/8/1832; Esma M Lowe, 11/25/1836 
Conway C.H.ConwaySilas T Tancray, 5/26/1826Name changed to Marion
Cool SpringSt. FrancisThomas Duval, 3/25/1833 
CosetotSevierAsa Hartfield, 9/13/1828"Discontinued 1/8/1834"
CotoctonCrawfordIra Smoot, 10/5/1836 
County LlineGreeneWm G Arledge, 11/11/1833 
Crawford C.H.CrawfordGeorge Pickett, 8/12/1823; Gilbert Marshall, 8/14/1828; James Wilson, 9/7/1830; John Gregg, 3/8/1832; Alexander McLean, 9/1/1832Name changed to Pleasent Hill
Crittenden C.H.CrittendenWm D ferguson, 3/24/1826Changed to Greenock, 8/8/1827
Crooked CreekCarrollJoseph Hickman, 7/14/1836 
Crow CreekSt. FrancisWm Fulkerson, 11/2/1835 
Crowley'sLawrenceJohn Crowley, 11/29/1832; Benjamin Crowley, 11/29/1832 
Crystal SpringLawrenceWm Russell 11/13/1826; Reuben R Russell, 2/7/1828"Discontinued 8/28/1829"
DardanellePopeJoseph Brearly, 2/8/1833 
DardanellesCrawfordEdward W. Duval, 5/12/1823 
DavidsonvilleLawrenceHenry Sanford, 6/21/1821; Reuben Richardson, 7/25/1826; Henry R Hyson, 12/29/1829; Robert Smith, Jr., 3/27/1829Name changed to Jackson 8/27/1829
Deleware VillageHempsteadJames Byenside, 3/7/1826"Discontinued 8/30/1826
Des ArcPulaskiLewis Kirkpatrick, 6/8/1831; James Walker, 11/11/1833 
Dogwood SpringsPulaskiEzra Owen, 12/19/1829; 11/29/1832 
DwightPopeCephas Washburn, 8/19/1823; Aaron W Lyon, 8/21/1830; Robert Davidson, 9/19/1833Discontinued 3/10/1830, reestablished 8/21/1830
Eagel TownChoctaw NationLoring S. Willliams, 7/1/1834; Geo. F. Lawton, 4/22/1835; Loring S. Williams, 3/31/1836 
EutawGrreeneRobert Polley, 12/27/1833 
FairviewSt. FrancisGeorge W Stokes, 12/15/1832Name changed from Bay of St. Francis
Fort CoffeeChoctaw NationJames A. Scott, 4/20/1835 
Fort SmithCrawford John Rogers, 3/19/1829; Wm. Duval, 10/27/1829 
Fort TowsonMillerGeorge C Gooding, 9/7/18xx; Wm King, 6/30/1827; John Thurston, 5/24/1828"Discontinued 8/27/1828" obviously recreated later
Fort TowsonSevierGeorge C Goading, 9/7/1832 
Fourch DumasRandolphJames G Russell, 9/21/1836 
Fourche de ThomaLawrencePeyton R Pitman, 5/6/1820 
Fourche DumasLawrenceWm Jarrett, 3/1/1833; James G Russell, 9/21/1836 
Franklin SettlementClarkThomas Franklin, 1/19/1827"Disconitnued 7/13/1829"
FultonChicotLewis Johnson, 12/20/1834; Charles McDermott, 1/19/1836 
Grand LakeChicotNathan B. Quillling, 10/3/1834; S.E. Jones, 9/9/1835 
GrandeCrittendenArthur C Welch, 4/26/1830; Charles N. Blackmore, 7/9/1830; Alexander Ferguson, 5/2/1830; Joseph S Neely, 8/1/1834Name later changed to Marion
GreenfieldGreeneIsaac Brookfield, 10/3/1834; Daniel Martin, 6/3/1836 
GreenockCrittendenWm Ferguson, 8/8/1827 
HarrisburgConwayJames Wand, 4/12/1830"Discontinued 5/22/1832"
HeckatooArkansasThompson Simpson, 11/29/1832; Henry I. McKenzie 5/5/1834; Philip Read, 3/12/1836; Reuben Dye, 7/14/1836 
HelenaPhillipsWm B.R. Horner, 5/15/1821; George W. Ferebee, 8/22/1827; Austin Kendrick, 1/28/1830; Eli P Lewis, 11/24/1831; John Steele, 1/6/1834; Samuel S. Smith, 8/11/1834; Wm T Joemans, 8/10/1835 
Hempstead C.H.HempsteadJohn English, 2/23/1820; James M Stuart, 7/3/1822; Allen M Oakley, 8/22/1829; Abraham Black, 4/12/1830; James W Judkins, 7/13/1830 
Hix's FerryLawrenceJohn Rodney, 2/24/1824; Jesse Ives, 3/21/1828; Michael F Taylor, 6/29/1830; Peyton R Pitman, 11/29/1832 
HopefieldPhillipsWm D Ferguson, 4/25/1825; Robert Ellis, 4/23/1828Hopefield removed to Crittenden Court House, 3/24/1826
Hot SpringsHot SpringRichard C Hawkins, 7/22/1831; Aaron N Labian, 1/5/1833; Hiram A Whittington, 5/21/1833 
Izard C.H.IzardSpencer Crouch, 3/8/1826(?); Jacob Wolf, 10/12/1826 
JacksonLawrenceRobert Smith, Jr., 8/27/1829; Wm Black, 3/1/1832; John Ficklin; 5/18/1832 
Jacob's StaffMonroeJoseph Jacobs, 6/14/1830; Robert S Bell, 1/20/1834 
KidronCherokee NationJames Orr, 9/17/1833 
King's RiverCarrollJohn P Boidston, 12/30/1833; Marion Clement, 11/18/1834; John W Moore, 6/11/1836 
Lafayette C.H.LafayetteJesse Douglass, 7/29/1828; Wm H Conway, 6/22/1835 
Lake PortChicotWm B Patton, 4/28/1830; Joel Johnson, 12/15/1831; S.R. Gilmore, 11/8/1832; Henry Roberts, 2/17/1835 
LanguelleSt. FrancisArchibald McDaniel, 12/31/1831 
Lee's CreekCrawfordThomas Shannon, 1/12/1832; Sanford N Elmore, 2/17/1835 
LewisburghConwayThomas Mathers, 5/22/1832; Nimrod Menefee, 4/8/1833; Joseph I Simmons, 8/30/1833 
LibertyIzardCharles Sneed, 4/10/1833 
Lick CreekPhillipsPeter Edwards, 2/11/1836 
LitchfieldJacksonJohn C Saylers, 12/22/1830 
Little River LickSevierWm Chandler, 12/6/1828; Benjamin H.E. Hartfield, 6/8/1831Name changed to Ultima Thule
Little RockPulaskiAmos Wheeler, 4/10/1820; Henry W Conway, 10/17/1821; Thomas W Newton, 8/25/1823; John T Fulton, 2/8/1830; Wm Field, 12/28/1831; John T Fulton, 8/4/1835 
LoganPopeJames Logan, 2/11/1832; Noadiah Marsh, 5/14/1833; Miles T Scott, 11/14/1834 
Long PrairieHempsteadThomas Dillard, 9/30/1824"Discontinued 8/5/1831"
Lost PrairieHempsteadJacob Buzzard, 7/29/1828"Discontinued 9/30/1833"
Lost PrairieIzardBenjamin P Jett, 2/8/1834; Isaac N Jones, 8/4/1835 
Magnet CoveHot SpringAlexander Rogers, 10/30/1832 
MarionCrittendenJohn Robertson, 3/31/1835; Alexander I Nobles, 11/2/1835; James H Wathern, 3/29/1836; Wm Kerr, 9/21/1836 
Martin'sJosiah S McReill, 3/1/1833  
Masard CreekCrawfordEdmund B Bayse, 12/22/1830"Discontinued 11/28/1832"
McLean's SettlementCrawfordGilber Marchel, 10/13/1826Name changed to Short Mountain, 3/10/1827
Miller C.H.John H Fowler, 9/5/1824; George F Lanton, 6/23/1826; John H Fowler, 1/14/1826; James Clark, 12/10/1830; James D Harding, 3/10/1834; James W Doss, 2/1/1835; Travis G Wright, 10/28/1835; James H Johnson, 9/30/1836  
Morrison's BluffPopeArthur Clark, 4/19/1830; Lorenzo N Clark, 11/20/1830; Alonzo C Sdler, 6/22/1835 
Mount PrairiePulaskiEdward Johnson, Jr., 1/12/1829"Discontinued 7/27/1830"
Mouth of ArkansasArkansasWm. R Campbell, 3/12/1832; Charles Mapes, 12/6/1832; Stephen Van Renseleir Ryan, 2/17/1835 
Mouth of CacheMonroeJohn Maddox, 11/4/1828; John Burriss, 6/17/1833; Geroge W Blakemore, 8/24/1835 
MulberryCrawfordThomas Moore, 5/18/1830"Discontinued 9/30/1833
New GasconyJeffersonAntoine Barraque, 11/29/1832 
New KentuckyPulaskiRichard T Banks, 5/21/1831Name changed to Caldwilton
NicksvilleLovelyJohn Dillard, 4/25/1828"Discontinued 10/2/1829"
Oil TroughIndependenceCharles Kelly, 2/18/1829"Discontinued 4/30/1829"
OzarkCrawfordWm. Hail, 12/31/1836 
ParacliftaSevierJohn Clark, 2/20/1830; George Taaffe, 5/21/1832; H.G. McDonald, 11/18/1834 
PeconeryConwayGeorge Bentley, 11/21/1825; Nimrod Menefee, 5/24/1828 
PhiladelphiaIzardJohn Falconer, 2/22/1819 
Pine BayouIzardJohn A Allen, 12/27/1831; Robert Livingston, 11/29/1832; Asa McFeltch, 11/22/1834 
Pine BluffJeffersonJohn W Pullen, 1/2/1833; James T Pullen, 12/20/1834 
Pine BluffPulaskiJames Scull, 1/25/1828 
Pine WoodsSevierWm Wright, 12/19/1833 
Pleasent HillCrawfordJohn C Sumner, 7/3/1828"Discontinued 11/28/1832
Pleasent IslandIndependenceJohn M Childress, 5/2/1832 
PocahontasRandolphThomas O Marr, 4/21/1836 
Point RemoveConwayFredrick Fletcher, 1/14/1831Name changed to Peconery
Poke CreekIndependenceCharles Kelly, 11/7/1820Name Changed to Batesville 1/7/1824
RaymondClarkJohn S.T. Callaway, 6/11/1835 
Saint FrancisPhillipsWm Strong, 3/1/1826 
Saline CrossingPulaskiWm Locket, 8/5/1831 
ScotiaPopeTwitty Pace, 5/26/1830; Alfred E Pace, 5/2/1832; Laban C. Howell, 3/26/1834 
Short MountainCrawfordGilbert Marshall, 12/10/1827; Tomas Hickson, 12/10/1833; Wm Hull, 12/26/1835 
South BendArkansasJames H. Lucas, 11/11/1835 
Spadric BluffPopeElijah B Alston, 11/4/1831 
Spring HillHempsteadRichard Pryor, 2/14/1835 
St. FrancisSt. FrancisWm Strong, 3/1/1826; I.T. Foster, 8/28/1829; Spencer Crouch, 3/12/1831; Austin Kendrick, 12/29/1831; Thomas Curl, 12/1/1832; Isaac Mitchell, 11/18/1834 
Strawberry RiverLawrencePeter Halderman, 12/12/1832 
Sulphur RockIndependenceThomas Tunstall, 3/4/1834; Austin A Gibbons, 8/10/1835 
Talbot'sIzardFrederick Talbot, 1st 1/5/1832, 2nd 12/12/1832; James A Caldwell, 12/6/1833 
TekatokaCrawfordEdward W Duval, 3/6/1828 
TekatokaPopeEdward W Duval, 3/6/1828; Thomas Murray, Jr., 6/9/1832 
Ultima ThuleSevierJoseph McKean, 12/9/1833Name Changed from Little River Lick
Van BurenCrawfordThomas Philllips, 3/7/1831; John Dunmore, 12/3/1836 
VauginePulaskiJohn Dodge, 4/27/1825 
VillemontChicotAlanson Morehouse, 2/20/1830; James Blain, 3/1/1833; Hiram Morrell(?), 8/24/1835Name changed to Columbia
Walnut CampSt. FrancisCharles Neely, 3/25/1835 
Walnut PrairieSevierBenjamin H.E. Harfield, 12/6/1833 
Warm SpringsHot SpringAlexander White, 12/19/1829; Warun Dunham, 3/19/1830; Richard C. Hawkins, 5/2/1831Name changed to Hot Springs 7/22/1831
WashingtonHempsteadAllen M Oakley, 9/5/1828 
White RiverArkansasWm Montgomery, 6/1/1826; Joseph Bennett, 1/7/1836 
White RunIndependencePeyton Tucker, 4/26/1832"Discontinued 7/30/1833"
Wolf CreekClarkWm. Gentry, 1/18/1832; Asa Thompson, 5/21/1833; John D Robinson, 3/8/1834; John Spear, 12/20/1834 
YellvilleSearcyWm Kavanaugh, 9/13/1836 
ZebulonPikeAsa Thompson, 5/29/1834; David Dickson, 11/6/1835 

 "Arkansas" 5-18-1820 Minimize

 Arkansas Non-Little Rock Territorial Covers 1819-1835 Minimize

The following covers have appeared in auctions and publications.  I have photos of each.  All town marks and rates are in manuscript and black unless otherwise noted.   Where available the cover scans have been uploaded and can be seen with a click on their link.

Covers from Little Rock appear on two adjacent pages, one just for the Little Rock Shield marking, and another for all Little Rock Territory non-Shield covers.

In February 2014 I traveled to the Arkansas History Commission in Little Rock and spent 4 days copying cover images in their files. I got nearly 400 images. There are many additions to the territory and all other areas on the website.

New Cover Added 2015-10-11 Little River Lick Ark. Ter. 1832-03-03 courtesy of Robert Crossman

                           2020-12-11 Helena Ark in Block Letters 1836-05-17 to Kentucky-Schuyler Rumsey Auction

                           2021-01-13 Arkansas Post 1833 to Miller Court House courtesy of Jeff Dunn

 Reported Arkansas Non-Little Rock Territorial Covers Minimize
 Originating Post OfficeSorted By Originating Post Office In Ascending OrderDate MailedPAID/DUERateDestinationCover Scan & Source
Arkansa4/4/1820Due25 centsConnecticutArkansa April 4 1820 Jim_Millgram 5-8-11.jpg
Arkansas5/18/1820DUE25 centsSalem, KentuckyArkansas 5-18-1820 SRumsey_Sale26_Lot509.jpg
Arkansas1820-11-30due25 centsChester, ConnecticutLittle Rock 11-30-1820 GKramer Collection.jpg
Arkansas10/XX/1823FREE"Eli J. Lewis, PM"Batesville, Arkansas Ter.Arkansas 10-xx-1823 SRumsey_Sale26_Lot511.jpg
Arkansas6/8/1826Due25 centsLevant, Mainearkansas 6-8-1826 from my collection.jpg
Arkansas4/29/1828Due25 centsBangor, MaineArkansas 1828-04-29 SRumsey Sale 72 Lot 12.jpg
Arkansas1821-05-02Due25Rochestor, ConnecticutArkansas 5-2-1821 JMilgram Collection 5-9-11.jpg
Arkansas1827Not Stated25Not Stated 
Arkansas Post12/30/1832Due25 centsHallowell Cross Roads MaineArkansas Post AT 1832-12-30 LBaum Collection 2013.jpg
Arkansas Post9/22/1835Due37.5 centsWashington, Arkansas TerritoryArkansas Post 9-22-1835 RSiegel_Sale906_Lot1278.jpg
Arkansas Post1835-06-20due25Not Given in catalogArkansas Post 1835-06-20 RSiegel_Sale270_Lot1.jpg
Arkansas Post1835-11-22Due25St. Louis, Missouri Ark. History Commision Files John Knight MS000136Arkansas Post AR 1835-11-12 AHC MS.000136 1822-45.jpg
Arkansas Post1835-09-15Due18.75Fort Smith Arkansas Ark Hist Comm Refeld Family Supplement MS000419Arkansas Post AR 1835-09-15 AHC MS000419 Refeld Family supp Bx1 1835-39.jpg
Arkansas Post1835-04-03(due)18.75Miller Court House, Arkansas Territory Part of Clark CorrespondenceArkansas Post 1835-03-08 Courtesy Jeff Dunn 20210113.jpeg
Bartholomew A T3/3/1835Due18.75 centsLittle Rock, Arkansas TerritoryBartholomew AT 3-3-1835 RSiegel_Sale906_Lot 1279.jpg
Batesville1826-03-29Due12.5Little Rock Arkansas Ark. History Commission files John Knight Papers MS000136Batesville AR 1826-03-29 AHC MS000136 FC1826-29.jpg
Batesville1825-01-08FREEFreeWashington, DC to NY congressmanBatesville 1825-0108 to Washington Free eBay20200628.jpg
Batesville A.T.1834-01-03Paid25New YorkBatesville A.T. 1834-01-03 BCrossman Coll 20140215.jpg
Batesville A.T.1835-12-21Due25Christianville, VirginiaBatesville AT 12-21-1835 DTocher_NetPrice_1182011.jpg
Batesville A.T.1831-10-04Due12.5 centsLittle Rock ArkansasBatesville A.T. 1831-10-04 Webster Stickney Stock 20150917.jpg
Batesville A.T.1833-05-21due25 centsPhiladelphia, PennsylvaniaBatesville A.T. 1833-05-21 to Philadelphia eBay20240525.jpg
Batesville AT1825-02-09Due55.5 centsSalem, Kentuckybatesville 1829 55.5 rate my coll.jpg
Batesville AT1832-06-12Due25 centsPortland, Maine 
Batesville, A.T.1829-03-17Paid12.5Little Rock Arkansas Ark History Commision filesBatesville A.T. 1829-03-17 AHC MG00044.jpg
Batesville, Ary1830-05-18Due25Kingston, New YorkBatesville Ary 5-18-1830 RSiegel_Sale906_Lot1280.jpg
Caldwellton AT1/19/1835FreeFree/Cha Caldwell/PM caldwellton at 1-19-1835 david phillips_sale9-25-1982_lot31.jpg
Cane Hill, Ark8/26/1835Due25Maylays(?), TennesseeCane Hill 1835-08-26 ebay 20250330.jpg
Clark C.H.A.T 1831-11-22Due18.75 centsBatesville ArkansasClark C.H.A.T. 1831-11-22 Webster Stickney stock 20150917.jpg
Columbia AT5/24/1835Due12.5Lake Providence, LouisianaColumbia AT 5-24-1835 RSiegel_Sale906_Lot1286.jpg
Columbus A.T.5/23/1834Due25Farmington, MissouriColumbus AT May 23 1834 dgphillips_sale17_lot.JPG
Crawford C House AT6/10/1823FreeFreeWashington, DCCrawford CH 6-10-1823 rfrajolasale48lot35.jpg
Crawford C.H.A.T4/15/1825Due25Andover, Massachusetts, forwarded to Worcester, MassCrawford CH AT April 15 1825 RSiegel_Sale906_Lot1288.jpg
Crawford CH1/6/1826Due25 crawford coh at 1-6-1826 rkaufmann_sale54_lot2.jpg
Crionsville Belgium1835-09-02 Only foreign maiil to Ark Territory I have seenArkansas Post, AT Ark Hist Comm MS000419 Bx1 Correp 1835-39Belgium to Arkansas Post 1835-09-02 AHC MS000419 Bx1 Corresp 1835-9 cropped.jpg
Dardanelle11/10/1828FreeFree/J.A. Beasley/P.M.Zanesville, OhioDardanelle Ark 11-10-1828 RSiegel_Sale906_Lot1289.jpg
Davidsonville8-12-1824FreeFree Hy Sanford PMasterNew York, NYDavidsonville 8-12-1824 JMilgram Collection 5-8-11.jpg
Dwight1829-01-05Due25Columbus, MississippiDwight Ark 1-5-1829 RSiegel_Sale906_Lot1291.jpg
Dwight Ark Terr1829-02-15FreeFree/C. Washburn/Post MasterNatchez, MississippiDwight Ark Ter 2-15-1829 RSiegel_Sale906_Lot1292.jpg
Dwight Ark Terr1825-11-24FreeC.Washburn PMPhiladelphia PennsylvaniaDwight Ark Ter 1825-11-24 JMilgram Collection 5-23-11.jpg
Fayetteville A.T.1836-02-28Due25Harrisburgh, PennsylvaniaFayetteville A.T. 2-28-1836 ms townmark +25 JMilgram Collection 5-23-11.jpg
Fort Smith (Mailed through Natchez, Mississippi)3/28/1822FreeF (ree)Washington, DCFort Smith 3-28-1822 mailed through Natchez Miss Harbor_Sale998284_Lot1248.jpg
Fort Smith A.T.1/19/1833Paid50 ("Double" in Ms) Fort Smith 1-19-1833 PBansner_NetPrice_12-10-10.jpg
Fort Smith A.T.8/28/1835Due25Baltimore, MarylandFort Smith 8-28-1835 RSiegel_Sale906_lot1298.jpg
Fort Smith A.T.1834-07-04Due25Near Springfield MassachusettesFort Smith A.T. 1834-07-04 SRumseySale55 Lot8.jpg
Fort Smith A.T.1835-08-28due18.75Arkansas Post Arkansas Ark History Comm FilesFort Smith AR 1835-08-28 AHC MS000419 Refeld Family Suppl Bx1 1835-9.jpg
Harrisurgh7/7/1830Due25Canton, Ohioharrisburg, ark.t. 7-7-1830 rsiegel_sale536_lot78.jpg
Helena4/23/1836Due25Richmond, Virginiahelena 1836 my coll.jpg
Helena (Block Letters Town Mark and Date)183x-04-08Due25Clarksburg, VirginiaHELENA A T Block letters rfrajolasale39lot75.jpg
Helena (Block Letters Town Mark and Date)3/14/183x  Port Royal, Virginiahelena at to port royal va bball_sale33_lot21.jpg
Helena A.T.10/3/1831  Mt Vernon, OhioHelena AT 10-3-1831 rfrajola_sale35_lot41.jpg
Helena A.T.3/13/1835Due12.5Little Rock, ArkansasHelena A.T. 3-13-1835 DGPhillips_Sale9-25-1982_Lot34.jpg
Helena A.T.9-4-1831Paid25St Louis, MissouriHelena A.T. 9-4-1831 JWM.jpg
Helena Arks6/3/1836Due25Woodville, Mississippihelena arks 6-3-1836 rkaufmann_sale71_lot9.jpg
Helena AT11/16/1833Paid25Jackson, Mississippi (to Gov. HG Nummuls)helena at nov 1833 paid 25 ghendershott_sale25_lot81.jpg
Helena(Block Letters Townmark and Date)1836-05-17Due25 centsHenderson, KentuckyHelena Ark 1836-05-17 Block letter Territorial SRumsey Sale 94 Lot 645 20201211.jpg
Hempstead A.T.1821-12-16Due25Arkansas Arkansas Ark Hist Comm MS000419 Refeld Family PapersHempstead AT 1821-12-16 AHC MS000419 Corresp 1821-29.jpg
HEMPSTEAD AT (Negative CDS Black)183x-12-13Due25New York, NYHempstead CHAT Negative Letters Black Circle 12-13-183x JMilgram Collection 5-8-11.jpg
Hempstead C.H manuscript Red5/x/1827Due25Cincinnati, OhioHempstead CH May 1827 Ms Red RSiegel_Sale906_Lot1300.jpg
Hempstead C.H.A.T10/6/1833Due12.5Little Rock, ArkansasHempstead CH 10-6-1832 rkaufman_sale71_lot12.jpg
Hempstead C.H.A.T.3/13/1827Due25Cincinnati, OhioHempstead CH 3-13-1827 APS Richmond 8-13-10.jpg
Hempstead C.H.A.T.1832-09-24Paid12.5 centsLittle Rock Arkansas Ark Hist Comm SMC.15.7 William RussellHempstead C.H.A.T. 1832-09-24 AHC SMC.15.7 William Russell.jpg
Hempstead C.H.A.T.1832-09-24 2nd LetterPaid12.5 centsLittle Rock Arkansas Ark Hist Comm SMC.15.7 William RussellHempstead C.H.A.T. 1832-09-24 Ltr 2 AHC SMC.15.7 William Russell.jpg
Hempstead CH12/7/1826Due25Cincinnati, OhioHempstead CH 1826 rkaufman_sale71_lot10.jpg
Hempstead CH AT8/21/1826Due25Cincinnati, OhioHempstead CH AT 1826-08-21 JMilgram Collection.jpg
HEMPSTEAD CH/ArT. CDS Black3/21/1835FREE HspFREE/D.L. Witter P.M./Hempstead C.H. A.T.Preston, ConnecticutHempstead CH AT Mar 21 hrharmer_sale2914_lot317.jpg
HEMPSTEAD.C.H./ArT.5/21/1835Due25North CarolinaHEMPSTEAD.C.H. 5-21-1835 RSeigel_Sale440_Lot1640.jpg
HEMPSTEAD.C.H./ArTCDS Red18xx-12-16Due12 1/2 centsLittle Rock, ArkansasHempstead. CH ArT. 183x-12-16 RedCDS cover front to Little Rock Ark T eBay20160613.jpg
HEMPSTEAD.C.H/Ar.T. CDS Red4/5/1830Due25Lawrenceville, VirginiaHempstead CH A.T Red CDS 4-5-1830 APS Richmond 8-13-10.jpg
HEMPSTEAD.C.H/Ar.T. CDS Red9/6/1834Due25Clinton, Louisianahempstead ch at sept 6 1834 in red ghendershott_Sale8_Lot1003.jpg
HEMPSTEAD.C.H/ArT. CDS Black7/9/1835Due50Woodville, Mississippihempstead ch 1835 my coll.jpg
HEMPSTEAD/C.H. A.T. rimless CDS black1/18/18xxDue25Farmington, MissouriHempstead CHAT oval Handstamp RSiegel_Sale906_Lot1301.jpg
HEMPSTEAD/C.H. A.T. rimless CDS Red11/11/18xxFreeFree/D.L. Witter P. Master/Hempstead C.H.A.T.Preston, ConnecticutHempstead CHAT oval Red RSiegel_Sale906_Lot1302.jpg
HEMSTEAD C.H.A.T. Rimless Circle1833-10-28Free Little Rock Arkansas Ark Hist Comm SMC.15.7 William RussellHEMPSTEAD C.H.A.T. Rimless circle AHC SMC.15.7 William Russell.jpg
Izard 8/4/1832Due25 izard ch at 8-4-1832 rfrajola_sale30_lot39.jpg
Jackson AT2/9/1836FreeFree/J.S. Burkbine(?) P.M.Helmington, Ohiojackson a t 2-9-1836 amphilatelicbrokers_sale14_lot66.jpg
Lake Port A.T.7/14/1834FreeFree/S.R.Gibson(?) P.M.Hardensburgh, KentuckyLake Port AT 7-14-1834 rfrajolasale54lot21.jpg
Lees Creek po AT1/4/1833Due25 lees creek at 1833 due 25ghendershott_sale64_lot63.jpg
Lewisburg A.T4/6/1834Due25Canandaigua, New YorkLewisburg A.T. 1834-04-06 Geroge Kramer Coll.jpg
Lewisburgh A.T.7/24/1832Due25 with 18.75 added for forwarding=43.75 totalNew York forwarded to VermontLewisburgh A.T. 7-24-1832 RSiegel_Sale518_Lot33.jpg
Little River Lick Ark. Ter.1832-03-03Paid25New Orleans, LouisianaLittle River Lick Ark. Ter. 1832-03-03 Smithsonian Collection 20151011.jpg
Miller Ch8/5/1825Due37.5Little Rock, ArkansasMiller CH 8-5-1825 RSiegel_Sale906_Lot1322.jpg
Miller Ch Ark.Ty10/15/1825Due37.5 "On Service"Little Rock, Arkansas to Gov. George IzardMillers CH Ark Ty 10-15-1825 RSiegel_Sale906_Lot1321.jpg
Miller Court House1824-06-04due25Lynchburg VirginiaMiller Court House AR 1824-06-24 APS2012 clsup.JPG
Mo. Cache (Mouth of Cache) A.T.5/22/18xxDue10Little Rock, ArkansasMouth of Cache A.T. 18xx-05-22 ghendershott_sale4_lot600.jpg
Pine Bluff8/30/1835  Little Rock, Arkansaspine bluff 8-30-1835 amphilatelicbrokers_sale14_lot67.jpg
Pine Bluff1833-01-27Due10Arkansas Post Arkansas Ark Hist Comm MS000419 Refeld Family PapersPine Bluff AR 1833-01-27 AHC MS000419 Bx1 Corresp 1835-39.jpg
Pine Bluff A.T.1/18/1835Paid10Little Rock, Arkansaspine bluff at 1-18-1835 dphillips_sale9-25-85_lot1051.jpg
Scotia AT1832-06-04Paid12.5Little Rock, Arkansasscotia at june 4 1832 nutmeg_sale93_lot28-1.jpg
Scotia, A.T.1835-09-20due25Little Rock Arkansas- Ark History Commission filesScotia A.T. 1835-09-20 AHC MS00044.jpg
Spring Hill AT1836-05-24Due25Petersburg, IllinoisSpring Hill AT 5-24-1836 RSiegel_Sale906_Lot1324.jpg
St. Francis, A.T.6/2/1833Free25 marked through, then freeWashington DC to 3rd Auditor of the Treasuryst francis 1833 my coll.jpg
Strawberry River A.T7/5/1834Due25Philadelphia, PennsylvaniaStrawberry River A.T 7-5-1834 RSiegel_Sale906_Lot1325.jpg
Unon Ark T (Letterhead, posted in Missouri)12/5/1834Due25Philadelphia, PennsylvaniaUnion Ark T letterhead posted in Missouri rfrajolasale36lot329.jpg
Van Buren A.T.2/24/18xxDue25Augusta, GeorgiaVan Buren AT rfrajola_sale34_lot104.jpg
Villemont A.T.11/1/1828FreeR(?) Latting P.M./FreeNatchez, MississippiVillemont A.T. 11-1-1828 RSiegel_Sale906_Lot1327.jpg
Villemont. A.T.1828-02-19Due25Greenland, New HampshireVillemont AT 2-19-1832 RSiegel_Sale906_Lot1328.jpg
Vineyard A.T.2/11/1831Due25Calhon, East TennesseeVineyard AT 2-11-1831 RSiegel_Sale906_Lot1329.jpg
Washington A.T. (in letterhead, no PO indicated on cover)1829-02-01Paid12.5Little Rock, Arkansaswashington paid 25 1829 my coll.jpg
Washington, A.T.1829-12-25 FreeLittle Rock Arkansas-Arkansas History Commission FilesWashington AR 1829-12-25 AHC MS00044.jpg
White River1832-11-12FreeFreeLittle Rock, ArkansasWhite River 9-28-1832 RSiegel_Sale906_Lot1330.jpg