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 NEW DISOVERY: May 31, 1861 Last Day in US postal system. 3rd reported Minimize

This is only the 3rd reported cover mailed from Arkansas on May 31, 1861, the last day the US Postal Service delivered the mail in the Confederate states

Now with CWPS Certificate 06467.

Updated 2024-07-12

 20th Century Fancy Cancels from Arkansas Towns now being posted Minimize

I have uploaded scans of covers with 20th Century Fancy Cancels, used during the period 1929-1936.    Some are common, some are scarce, but all are interesting.  Click HERE to go to the page with these beautiful covers

Black Fork, Arkansas 1933. One of 10 reported examples.

Updated 2022-12-17

 Comments and Suggestions Minimize



 Welcome To the Arkansas Postal History Website Minimize
This site is dedicated to the accumulation and dissemination of information about the Postal System in Arkansas and in the Indian Nations. The site is still under construction so many pages are blank, but will be filled as time goes on. The main menu pages are active as well as the sub-pages that appear when you click on a main menu, so look both places.  You will find sections about:) Arkansas History.
a) 19th Century Postal History
b. State 1836-1845
         US 1847 Adhesive usages
    d. State 1851-1861
       CSA Adhesive uses      
    h. State 1865-1899      1865-70    
    i. Inland Waterways
4) 20th Century Arkansas Postal History.
RFD Cancels
b. Doane Cancels
c.  Arkansas Precancels
d. Air Mail
Air Mail Week
-First Flights,
-Air Port Dedications
       -Pioneer Flights
f. First Day Covers & Cachets
5) Railway and Highway Post Offices
6) Auction records and scans of significant Arkansas Postal History Items.
7) References and Bibliography for Arkansas Postal History
8) Links to useful web sites
9) Award winning Arkansas Postal History Exhibits - NEW 4/25/08.  Pages can be viewed one at a time (best resolution) or as a slide show.  Check this out!
The site is still being built.  Visit often for updates. Updated 2024-07-12

 Acknowledgments Minimize
The following firms and individuals have generously granted me permission to use cover images from their auctions, stock, or collections.  This site would be much less useful without their assistance. Those with active websites can be clicked to link to their website.

Arkansas History Commission
Brian Green
Bruce Fisher
Cherrystone Auctions
Chris Records
Chris Winters, MD (dec)
Conrad L. Bush
Deane Briggs, MD
Don Tocher
Douglas Weisz Covers
Elwyn Doubleday
Galen Harrison
Garry Hendershott
George Kramer
Gerald Leverant
James Milgram, MD
James Monroe
Jeff Dunn
Jeremiah Farrington
Jerry Palazolo
Jerry Wells
Joe Crosby
John W.Kaufmann, Inc.
John Kimbrough, MD
John Walker, England
Ken Miller
Kenneth A. Pitt
Labron Harris
Larry Baum
Leonard H. Hartmann
Mark Scheuer
Pam Owens
Regency-Superior Auctions
Richard Frajola
Robert Crossman
Robert Siegel Auctions
Rod Kelly
Stan Shepp
Stephen T. Taylor, England
Tony Crumbley
 Willam Shulleeta


Updated 202303-14