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Indian Nations > Indian Nations to 1851 > Pre 1851 Fort Gibson Fort Osage
 Indian Nations Pre 1851 Fort Gibson and Fort Osage Minimize
This page contains cover information about mail from Fort Gibson and Fort Osage posted before July 1, 1851 when the rate changed.

New Cover added 2021-01-16 Fort Gibson to Miller Court House, Ark Terr. 1832-11-19 thanks to Jeff Dunn.
2023-02-13 Fort Gibson to New Orleans 1838-03-08 on eBay.

 Fort Gibson Minimize
 DateSorted By Date In Ascending OrderDestinationDescriptionCover Scans & Source
1832-11-19Greenland New Hampshiremanuscript Fort Gibson19 Nov, ms "Paid 25" Fort Gibson 1832-11-19 RSiegel_Sale_906_Lot_1294.pdf
1832-11-19Greenland, New Hampshiremanuscript Fort Gibson/ 19 Nov ms "Paid 25"Fort Gibson 1832-11-19 25 rate BRoberts Coll.jpg
1832-11-19Miller Court House, Arkansas TerritoryMs Town Name, Date, rate 25 (due). Interior of letter dated Nov 5 1832Fort Gibson 1832-11-19 Courtesy Jeff Dunn.jpeg
1833-01-01Fort Gibson Arkansas TerritoryManuscript Fayette MO Jany 1, 25 (due) Fayette MO 1833-01-01 to Fort Gibson Nutmeg_Sale174_Lot2159.jpg
1834-03-26Washington DCmanuscript Fort Gibson "On Service" Free to General Thomas JessupFort Gibson 1834-03-26 RSiegel_Sale_906_Lot_1295.pdf
1834-05-21New York New YorkManuscript "Fort Gibson/May 21" "25 (due)" rateFort Gibson AR 1834-05-21 Nutmeg_Sale181_Lot3061.jpg
1835-10-05Jacksonville IllinoisAuction text only Fort Gibson Octo. 5 matching 25 Fort Gibson 1835-10-05 Text Only RSiegel 802A-3078.pdf
1835-10-16Not Shownmanuscript Fort Gibson October 16, ms "25" (due) rateFort Gibson 1835-10-16 DPhillipsSale117 Lot784.jpg
1835-10-18Avon Ohio(Text Description) Fort Gibson Oct 22 25(due) rate, not shown in textFort Gibson 1835-10-18 Covers Mag Vol 27-7 p18.jpg
1835-10-22Avon OhioPrevious cover full illustration ms Fort Gibson Oct 22 ms 25 (due) rateFort Gibson 1835-10-22 to Ohio JMilgram Collection.jpg
1836-01-20Washington DCmanuscript Fort Gibson Jany 20, "On Public Service/Free" to Brig Gen R. JonesFort Gibson 1836-01-20 FREE Schuyler Rumsey_Sale31_Lot392.jpg
1838-01-04Natchitoches Louisianamanuscript Fort Gibson Jany 4, ms "25" (due) ratefort gibson 1838-01-04 ghendershott_sale22_lot148.jpg
1838-03-08New Orelans, LouisiannaManuscript "Fort Gibson" and "March 8". Date from interior of letterFort Gibson 1838-03-08 eBay20230213.jpg
1838-04-11Corydon Indiana (from another auction text description)manuscript Fort Gibson Apr 11, 1838, ms "Paid 25" rateFort Gibson 1838-04-11 AZimmerman_Sale21_Lot157.jpg
1838-08-23Not Shownmanuscript Fort Gibson Aug 23, ms "25" (due) rateFort Gibson 1838-08-23 dkelleher_sale578_lot3204.jpg
1838-11-29New York New Yorkmanuscript Fort Gibson Nov 29, ms "25" (due) rateFort Gibson 1838-11-29 azimmerman_sale42_lot104.jpg
1839-05-16Park Hill PO (Indian Nations)manuscript Fort Gibson May 16, ms "6" (due) rate, very scarce rateFort Gibson 1839-05-16 RSiegel_Sale_906_Lot_1296.pdf
1843-07-27Annapolis MarylandBlack CDS, manuscript "25"(due) rateFort Gibson 1843-07-27 amphilbrokerssale7lot11.jpg
1843-07-31Delphi, New YorkBlack CDS, Black PAID Handstamp ms "50" Fort Gibson 1843-07-31 to Delhi NY Kewriga APS Auction 20240819.jpeg
1843-08-24Not ShownBlack CDS, manuscript "25"(due) rateFort Gibson 1843-08-24 dkelleher_sale578_lot3206.jpg
1844-02-29Ft Smith Arkansas(Text Description) Fort Gibson Feb 29 1844 "Free, M.Duval PM", red Fort Smith CDSfort gibson 1844-02-29 text only ghendershott_sale37_lot140.jpg
1844-10-17Washington DC(Text Description)Black CDS Fort Gibson Oct 17 "Free" to Brig Gen R. JonesFort Gibson 1844-10-17 text only AZimmerman_Sale21_Lot158.jpg
1844-10-31Washington DCBlack CDS, Black hsp FREE, ms "On Public Service" to Brig Gen R. JonesFort Gibson 1844-10-31 Black CDS + On Public Service JMilgram Collection 5-23-11.jpg
1844-11-11Not ShownBlack CDS, manuscript "25"(due) rateFort Gibson 1844-11-11 rkaufman_sale71_lot148.jpg
1845-06-05Not Shown(Text Description)ms Fort Gibson June 5 1845, Paid 25Fort Gibson 1845-06-05 text only ghendershott_sale37_lot139.jpg
1846-01-15Washington D.C.Black CDS FORT GIBSON/JAN 15/Ark, manuscript 10 to Genl Towsend Paymaster GeneralFort Gibson 1846-01-15t o Washington Kewriga Auctions Sale 5002 Lot 52 2024.jpg
1846-06-22Washington DC to Gen Nathan TowsonBlack CDS FORT GIBSON/JUN/22/ARK ms "on service" and "10"(due)Fort Gibson Ark 1846-06-22 due 10 ms BRoberts Coll.jpg
1846-x-xNot ShownCDS, manuscrpt 10 (due)Fort Gibson 1846 ms 10 RSiegel_Sale271_Lot199.jpg
1847-06-24Sandusky City Ohiomanuscript Fort Gibson June 24 1847, ms 10 (due) rateFort Gibson 1847-06-24 ghendershott_sale64_lot93 fort gibson 1847.jpg
1847-07-25New York City, NYBlack CDS FORT GIBSON/SEP 25/Ark, manuscript 10Fort Gibson 1847-07-25 to NY eBay20231121.jpg
1847-12-17Fort Towson CNBlack CDS, manuscript 5 rate, "officer's business"Fort Gibson 1847-12-17 to Ft Towson Nutmeg_Sale171_Lot2357.jpg
1848-11-09Lexington, IndianaManuscript "Fort Gibson, Ark/Nov 9 1848" ms "10c"Fort Gibson 1848-11-09 DPhillipsSale90 Lot1159.jpg
1848-11-16Lexington, Indianamanuscript "Ft Gibson/Nov 16" "Paid 1(0)"Fort Gibson 1848-11-16 GManning 1981-11-21 Lot 1222.jpg
1848-11-28Lexington, Indianamanuscrpt "Ft Gibson/Nov 28 48" "Paid 10"Fort Gibson 1848-11-28 rfrajolasale42lot250.jpg
1848-12-03Lexington, Indianamanuscript "Fort Gibson/Dec 3 1848" "Paid 10"Fort Gibson 1848-12-03 rfrajolasale42lot251.jpg
1849-01-28Lexington, Indianamanuscript "Fort Gibson Ark/January 28 49" "Paid 10"Fort Gibson 1849-01-28 DPhillipsSale117 Lot783.jpg
1849-09-23Lexington IndianaManuscript "Fort Gibson CN/Sept 23" Hsp Black PAID ms 10Fort Gibson CN 1849-09-23 ms Paid 10 to Indiana RSiegel1146_Lot1245.jpg
1849-11-15Lexington, Indianamanuscript "Fort Gibson, CN/November 15 4(9)", "paid 10"Fort Gibson 1849-11-15 DPhillipsSale117 Lot782.jpg
1849-12-17Waukan, WisconsinBlack CDS, manuscript "10"(due) rateFort Gibson 1849-12-17 1849 due 10 ebay 6-29-08.jpg
1849-12-20Lexington, IndianaBlack CDS, rate not shownFort Gibson 1849-12-20 amphilatelicbrokers_sale14_lot65.jpg
184x or 183x-03-11Portland Mainemanuscript Fort Gibson March 11, ms "25" (due) rateFort Gibson 184x-03-11 rfrajolasale42lot248.jpg
184x or 183x-07-12Not Shownmanuscript Fort Gibson July 12, ms "75" marked out, "On Service/Free"Fort Gibson 184x-07-12 75 xxxd Free On Service HSpellman_Sale34_Lot417.jpg
184x-01-02Not ShownBlack CDS Fort Gibson ArkFort Gibson 184x-01-02 rkaufman_sale71_lot152.jpg
184x-01-09Prob Washington DCBlack CDS Black hdsp FREE to Charles Conrad Sec of WarFort Gibson 184x-01-09 dkelleher_sale578_lot3207.jpg
184x-01-15Prob Washington DCBlack CDS ms "on Service" to General N. Towson, paymaster GeneralFort Gibson 184x-01-15 on service rfrajolasale42lot249.jpg
184x-03-07Prob Washington DCBlack CDS ms "on Public Service" to General R.Jones, Adj General USAFort Gibson 184x-03-07 on public service rfrajolasale39lot161.jpg
184x-05-13Gulf Mills Pennsylvania "via Philadelphia"Black CDS, manuscript "75"(due) triple rateFort Gibson 184x-05-13 75 cent rate MTrimble_NetPrice 5-16-11.jpg
184x-05-28Not ShownBlack CDS, unclear ms rate marked through, Addressed to "L.L. Rusk, Esq."Fort Gibson 184x-05-28 rkaufmann_sale6_lot52.jpg
1850-09-20Lexington KentuckyBlack CDS FORT GIBSON/SEP/20/ARK black Hdsp 10 Fort Gibson 1850-09-20 due 10 hsp Broberts Coll.jpg
1850-10-19Not Shownmanuscrpt Fort Gibson Ark, date, Paid 10 rateFort Gibson 1850-10-19 rkaufman_sale71_lot151.jpg
1851-xx-22Lexington, IndianaBlurry CDS, manuscript 'Paid 10"Fort Gibson 1851-x-22- rfrajola_sale19_lot1423.jpg
18xx-07-25Not ShownBlack CDS Fort Gibson ArkFort Gibson 18xx-07-25 rsiegel_sale_551_lot_42.jpg

 Fort Osage Minimize
 DateSorted By Date In Ascending OrderDestinationDescriptionCover Scan & Source
1821-12-04Philadelphia PennsylvaniaManuscript "Fort Osage MO/Dec 4" Manuscript "25" (due) rateFort Osage ON 1821-12-04 dateline Union Arks Ter SRumseySale55 Lot18.jpg